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  1. Z

    Loading issue for android

    I just got a new phone and I'm having trouble opening the game and switching areas. The game takes about 30 seconds to load up, open a character, or switch between areas. I had the same problem two phones ago but my last phone was fine. It's a BLU VIVO 8. Is there any way to speed it up? I...
  2. Z

    General difficulty of killing all Forsaken

    Just wondering, has anyone killed all the Forsaken in the Ark, and if so, at what level and what were the rewards? Thinking this might be a fun challenge for me...on Iron Man...with a mage, because I'm impulsive and stupid and like wasting 60 hours of my life. Any insights are appreciated! P.S...
  3. Z

    Apparently my mercenary hireling is Muudari

    I'm ashamed of how long this took me. The great Hilga Dillworth passed through the Ark's barrier, proving she's actually Lady Calenda in disguise. On the upside, that 2 DPS is really shredding those robots. Yes, this post is just an excuse for me to screw around with a poll. Sorry.
  4. Z

    Quick suggestion to help beginners choose a class

    I've seen a handful of low-star reviews the on google play store from people who play with rogue or mage and quit because the game is too hard after only a few minutes. It's a shame, since the game would get easier if they stuck with it a little longer--but I just started my first mage and I see...
  5. Z

    Beat the game--what now?

    Just played for five hours straight and completed The Ark of Lothasan, last arena fight, and Sewer of Horrors on iron man. Go me. I did have to cheat twice on the Ark quest by restoring a save, because I think the peaceful ending is super anticlimactic. So fighting the Parasite was "fun". Any...
  6. Z

    Purpose of Ilemma in Swine Trouble?

    In the quest Swine Trouble, by passing a PER 3 check, you can talk to Ilemma as an optional step. Other than a reputation drop and a free trip to Friguld, is there a point to this? I tried all the conversation options and gained nothing--so is the interaction just an easter egg?
  7. Z

    Freetown Arena equipment not spawning

    Small bug: To reset the freetown arena, you can sleep for 6 hours, then battle again. But since the area hasn't reset, the chest loot hasn't either, so you end up with no equipment. Corpses don't reset either, which could make it impossible to win the troll fight. Simple fix would be to not...
  8. Z

    Call of the Blood - beating vampires

    Just tried my first run through of the Call of the Blood as a level 17 cleric on Iron Man. I failed miserably. I got to the Temple of the Blood with half health and no recoveries left, then gave up when I saw I had to run past a dozen immortal vampires. Is there a way to stop the vampires...
  9. Z

    "Disable Skills" option when talking to companions

    I've seen a lot of complaints about how companions ruin things by wasting their skills. For me, Grissenda's knockback skills--whirlwind and bash--often make enemies retarget and end up getting me killed. I can't do The World Is A Stage with Grissenda because Laertes keeps getting killed. From...
  10. Z

    A few questions about new companion quests

    I'm currently level 14 on iron man, and I'm wondering when I should go for Trial and Error and Call of the Blood. -Am I a high enough level? I'm a cleric and I have plenty of potions. I don't need to beat any unique bosses, but I don't want to skip something I can't go back to later. -Are there...
  11. Z

    Golem Fist - uncommon or limited item?

    Trying to get the weapon for my cleric and I'm wondering if the golem fist is uncommon or limited. It seems like they are unique enemies in certain areas and they don't respawn. Is there somewhere I can farm golems? Thanks!
  12. Z

    Adjustable brightness

    I'm not sure how hard this would be to implement, but it would be nice to make the screen a bit brighter. When I'm in a car or outside, I can't see anything except for enemies' level tags. Maybe this is just an EK-addict problem, or maybe I just have a terrible phone, but if this is a simple...
  13. Z

    Sargos in Arena a bit overpowered

    I just tried to beat Sargos the Madman in the Freetown Arena as a level 23 cleric, and I failed miserably--I didn't even get him to half health. I survived by loading my last autosave, tried again, and got him down to 35%, where Fury doubled his damage output and made me reload again. I defeated...
  14. Z

    Spirit mechanics with stun immunity

    I'm currently running Iron Man (very badly) and getting close to facing the Parasite. Last time, I got mauled, and I'm wondering how much spirit resistance I should get. I'll use the Conductive Vest for stun immunity, which makes paralysis last 4 seconds; does anyone know how spirit resistance...
  15. Z

    Freetown Arena on Iron Man

    If you die in Freetown Arena, does it count as a death, causing you to lose on Iron Man? Or do you just lose the fight and teleport out of the arena? Thanks!
  16. Z

    Azagul Tomb and Sunken Citadel puzzles

    Kind of a random question, but does anyone know how to figure out the combination of levers for Azagul Tomb and Sunken Citadel? I know the solution from the wiki but I can't figure out how someone could solve it without the wiki. Thanks!
  17. Z

    Intervention bug

    As a cleric, if an item is removed that brings you to zero health, you remain alive until you take any damage. Once you take damage, you die, even if you have mana remaining and intervention. Edit: Ankh of Life didn't activate either. Level 21 Iron Man and this happened rip
  18. Z

    +10 rep with Golden Hand

    I'm on iron man and I just accidentally finished the Spicing Things Up quest in favor of Fritha. I was going to go for +10 rep with the Golden Hand but now I can't. Does anyone know if it does anything, maybe open the staircase to the left in the Grey Library? Thanks.
  19. Z

    What happens when you choose the evil ending for Ark of Lothasan? (Spoilers)

    I'm pretty far into Iron Man right now, so I can't try out multiple endgames. What happens when you choose the evil ending for Ark of Lothasan? I know you kill Amarisa and Lady Calenda, but the wiki doesn't go into specifics. More importantly, is it better for future quests, like the deep levels...
  20. Z

    Help - will my game be impacted if I miss a step in "Where is Amarisa"?

    I'm playing on Iron Man for my twentieth-ish time, and since I've beaten the Unknown Dungeon a bunch of times before, this time, I forgot to check Amarisa's cell. I have the quest but missed that step and now can't research her name at the Great Library. Will this be a problem? Should I restart...
