Search results

  1. OverCellus

    Myrosian full set & Full set bonus

    David could do the "bonuses" like a proper effective elemental resistance, just like Troll Skin armor pieces (Though i think this would be slightly OP).
  2. OverCellus

    New Achievement Ideas?

    7) Is it REALLY real???: Touch the Swamp Donkey.
  3. OverCellus

    Myrosian full set & Full set bonus

    i was thinking: why not implement fullset bonuses? i just use some random best items for every part of armor, but if David add an alternative? is there any plans for this? (i just added myrosian full set to get some curious clicks, sorry if you got there hoping something else. But if you have...
  4. OverCellus

    Plexifiber robes, do they really exist?

    hope you get this thing, it is one of that items that is based on your luck and just it. I'm just like you but the demon is star traveler's ring.
  5. OverCellus

    Beta Feedback thread for update 1.3

    I can open the Icemist's Inn door on Steam version. Is that a bug or a feature?
