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  1. C

    Archaelund (now updated with screenshots and video!)

    Re: About my next game (preliminary info!) I second the JA2 inspiration, and also X-Com and also the Realms of Arkania series for the isometric combat. It was so much fun!
  2. C

    Things too look at to make a better game

    Fair enough, but it's kind of vague what you mean by "someone who actually knows what he's doing" in my opinion; I have played MANY RPGs, starting with the Bard's Tale on C64 back in the day, Dragon Wars, Planescape Torment, all the Baldur's Gate games and mods, the whole Fallout Series, Icewind...
  3. C

    Things too look at to make a better game

    And then there's c): Someone who reads the Wiki before entering into any new area or taking on a quest. I try not to read the Wiki about Quests/areas unless I find myself really stuck.
  4. C

    Things too look at to make a better game

    I have to say there are definitely areas like the Ark and the Sewer of Horrors where it would be helpful and appropriate to get some hints from NPCs as to what to expect. I had no idea the first time I went into the Ark about the exploding robots that can kill you by dying, or what kind of...
  5. C

    Ice Mastery/Fire Mastery vs Earth Mastery

    I go with Earth Mastery maxed out along with Summoner maxed out. I keep some scrolls of Fire Elemental for when I face Trolls, but that's about it.
  6. C

    Rumor Boss Lich in Mausoleam; Tolassian Tome spawns in chest?

    Not entirely sure if I maybe just somehow missed the Tome in the chest in the Mausoleum when I first did the dungeon way back when, but I don't *think* I missed it. So I got a Rumor Boss Lich which spawned in the Mausoleum, went and killed him, then decided I might as well clean out the rest of...
  7. C

    Suggestion: Ultra-high level Town Hall Quests/Rumor Bosses

    I think once you finish all the main quests, you pretty much have Townhall Quests and Rumor Bosses, other than re-grinding dungeons. Maybe it would be nice if once your character reaches level 20 or so, Townhall Quests and Rumor bosses are ramped up to be more of a challenge. It's not much of a...
  8. C

    A numerical defense of shield warriors

    Hirge's main drawback is that she activates Arbeno's Might for EVERY ENEMY, no matter how weak it is. Sewer rat? Arbeno's Might! Goblin? Arbeno's Might! Mana GONE. Worse, sometimes, is that she activates Arbeno's Might for fighting fire elementals and such. So I'm thinking of resetting her...
  9. C

    A numerical defense of shield warriors

    Not to mention that if Gris Whirlwinds someone as I've already started building up my Duel bonuses, I have to start over. Same goes for Bash and Adaon's Kick. When I'm playing Rogue and prep my Stab but then Gris Whirlwinds just as I'm about to strike, Stab gets wasted. I'd rather not have...
  10. C

    A numerical defense of shield warriors

    My first build was a 2H warrior. Eventually I built up enough to get Flurry, and then I realized that putting points into Agility more than strength was too good to pass up; you get bonuses per point on traps, armor, ranged weapons, and light weapons, you can get Flurry earlier, etc. I would...
  11. C

    Suggestion for possible future technical update

    Any chance the Flaming Warhammer can get a different icon than the Spirit Breaker? I have Hirge using them both and when they're in Quick Slots I can't tell which is which.
  12. C

    EK maintains replay fun? Thoughts?

    I think playing different classes makes it more replayable for sure. Though eventually you might find that you make similar builds to get the best results. But to me, the Mage class was great, I take a totally different strategy versus Warrior or Rogue. Cleric, I never really liked. I might have...
  13. C

    Lvl 25 Warrior (2nd time through) just finished the Sewers

    OK, so I had a lvl 26 Warrior and got myself in over my head with the Sewer of Horrors; no healing potions, omeletes, or recoveries facing the Elemental Plane of Fire. Couldn't make it to the exit, no matter how many times I tried. So I had to reload from an earlier save, level 24 Warrior...
  14. C

    Trait checks

    OK, I think I know the answer to this, but just double-checking; in-game trait checks can be passed with equipment enhancements, but learning advanced skills require "pure" trait scores, correct?
  15. C

    Companion reset question

    It does not take away her new advanced skills. I already did a reset and I was worried a bit about it, but the skills are still available.
  16. C

    Does Duel work with all enemies being hit by a Warrior who has Cleave?

    Well, the question's right there in the title. Also, can Whirlwind count as the first o fthe consecutive blows that trigger Duel?
  17. C

    Is Melee Rogue difficult at high levels ?

    Hey, if that works for you, go for it. My rogue gets 99.7 DPS when Flurry is active and I'm armed with Queen's Heart and Dirk of Betrayal. Jumps up to over 247 DPS with Stab active (though that's misleading, because unless you luck out with continual Assasinates kicking it, that's based on a...
  18. C

    Is Melee Rogue difficult at high levels ?

    I almost totally disagree with this. Depends on your build. If you have Stab, Flurry, Evasion (very important), Precision Strikes, and Massive Criticals your DPS will be among the HIGHEST possible and you can get through almost anything with minimal damage. Rogue was easiest for me on the Ark...
  19. C

    Help for my new rogue!

    Are you wanting a ranged build, or a melee build? In either case, I would skip the dungeoneering ranks (points in Perception and Agility are enough to boost your trap/secret door finding abilities) and Stealth (reason being that most of the boss monsters have the Detection attrtibute which means...
  20. C

    Arghhh!! I hate the elemental plane of fire

    Information that comes too late in the Sewer of Horrors because once you enter, you have to go through all of the levels to get out. Not knowing about the Elemental Plane of Fire means you'd have to go through the first two levels, get to the EPoF, realize what you need to prep for, then RELOAD...
