I get what your saying. I like games that flip the paradigm like Dungeon Keeper where your the boss at the end luring heroes into your lair. I loved the Vampire Masqurade: Bloodlines PC game. That’s a great group of playable Undeadz! XD
I think it would take a great storyline where something like, ‘The human civilization of the land we liberated from that world war has long since passed. Little did we know our enemies cursed the land to repulse back to life any hero that’s buried in its soil after a thousand years. You return as something less than your former self in a land now litered with the ruins of your once grand people. With the corroded plate of your once glorious armor and the broken remains of an ancient legendary blade, you wander out into the unknown,’
How’s that sound?
What would be an original or really good basis to build a game where the playable races are different Undead?