I just want know if Thi s mission and eye of tholl CAN be found now with this update tux
S Sir qu Member Joined 15/03/2016 Messages 48 31/03/2016 #1 I just want know if Thi s mission and eye of tholl CAN be found now with this update tux
DavidBVal Developer Staff member Administrator Joined 28/02/2015 Messages 7,585 31/03/2016 #2 Hello, you can know what quests are completable by checking this list (SPOILERS!!!): viewtopic.php?f=4&t=79 Those two are not completable yet.
Hello, you can know what quests are completable by checking this list (SPOILERS!!!): viewtopic.php?f=4&t=79 Those two are not completable yet.