My name is Carlos Augusto Teles Costa - unlike in english where most people just have a firstname and a surname, here in Brazil it is quite common to have a first name, a second name and at least 2 surnames, one from the mother and one for the father, and some have SEVERAL surnames (the second brazilian emperor was the human being with the longest name in human history, with 21 surnames if Im not mistaken - Dom Pedro de Alcantara e Bragança... And a ton other surnames from several portuguese and other european noble families).
So, most of my characters are named "Karl", which is the germanic version of my own first name, because I like how it sounds.
So, to match up with the germanic form, I also do the same with the rest - Karl August Tell Kost. Not exactly fully germanic (August is saxonic), but the two with best germanic sound is "Karl Kost", and it also keeps my first and last names, better combining the tradition of 2 names, and also being easier to use.
So, to combine the two, I use "Kakost" (Karl+Kost).
That's it, just my own name "derivated 3 times", nothing too special.
Sometimes for RPG games, when I use female characters, I like to use "Kyra", because it's the name of my (female) cat. That name I gave her because when she was a baby, her ears were so big that they looked like a bat, so "Kyra" is derivative from "Quiropter" (the Family of bats - sorry if it's misspelled, Im not sure if that's how it's written in english)