Warrior Build


New member
Just looking for feedback on my setup, all questions and suggestions are encouraged.

I've done just about everything other than the Ark, and so far haven't had much trouble aside from the Forbidden Pit.

I've reset a few times to try out different setups, and for the last 5 levels or so have stuck to running this trait/skill setup with a combination of:
1. Light weapon+offhand weapon for general trash mobs
2. 2h weapon for bosses and high armor mobs
3. Light weapon + shield when I need to max survivability

When out of combat or with just Flurry active 2h leads in dps, but during combat light weapon quickly pulls ahead in dps due to Duel. (+dmg per hit on faster attack speed).
Against bosses/high armor enemies 2h is always a better option (quicker/smaller attacks suffer more from armor negation than the slower/larger dmg from 2h)

I had previously used 1h weapons in the place of light weapons to make use of the Infantry Training skill, but ultimately decided that it wasn't worth it. Better dps with light weapons vs 1h with current Agility, and the 8 skill point investment wasn't worth the return.

Decided not to invest in Cleave/Bash due to the knockback, which would be counter-productive for dps.

Decided not to invest in Fury due to the <35% hp requirement. Using Hirge as well as keeping hp pots on hand, health rarely gets below 50%.

Str 4, End 4, Agi 6, Int 1, Awa 1, Per 3 - Needed for skill reqs.
Currently Int 3 so that I could meet a quest check of Int 4 with a +1 item. Will soon be resetting Int to 1(2 with +1 item, so that I can still use tele scrolls).

All other points will go towards Str/End, and as 2h dps begins to outweigh light weapon dmg I'll swap to using 2h full time without losing out on dps.

I keep 1-2 items for each type of resistance in vault and keep on hand as needed.
Also always keep hp/dmg pots on hand as well as mana pots for Hirge.

Screenshots are out of combat with only Flurry active.



Staff member
If it works for you, than keep it that way. I prefer to concentrate on one build instead of 3, but it's just my experience.

Don't forget to get higher shock resistance before going to ark.


New member
p4ran0id":3rg4x7h2 said:
I prefer to concentrate on one build instead of 3, but it's just my experience.

I assume you're referring to the different weapon sets?
I wouldn't say switching out weapons to be a different build. In my experience having more than one weapon set for different situations has been a pretty common practice throughout rpgs.


Staff member
No, I mean the build. If you want to use 2h, than way more strength and battle rage.
For light weapon only 3 str rest in agi. Your build is very balanced so you can use every weapon, but it's not as good as a pure 2h or agi build.

But of that works for you, keep going ;)


I always recommend 2h build because it is very powerful and spending only 55 stat points for highest damage. Instead of flurry, use fury properly. (After mastering fury, duel, and heavyhand, point flurry. It is not effective without duel and fury.) It is good to farm not only bosses, but also small monsters.



Active member
I know this is an old thread, but I just came across it and I am totally mystified as to how eungpar achieved the stats shown here. I am also a level 26 warrior, but my stats are half what eungpar's are. How is this possible? Totaling his trait numbers he has way more than I do. If we're both at level 26, where do all these extra trait points come from? There aren't that many Tolossian tomes that I haven't found that would even come close to making up the difference.
Also, it appears that he has far more skill points than I have. (60 vs. 50)
As far as trait points---
He has 10 strength plus 3 enhancements. I have 9 strength plus two enhancements.
He has 4 endurance. I have 7 endurance with one enhancement.
He has 6 agility with 3 enhancements. I have zero agility.
He has 3 intellect. I have 2 intellect with one enhancement.
He has 1 awareness. I have 1 awareness.
He has 3 personality. I have 3 personality.
If you total it all up, (without enhancements) he has 27 vs. my 22. Again, how is this possible when we are at the same level?
His damage and DPS is 2x what mine is while equipped with what appears to be the same weapon (an Adamantite Greatsword).
Any explanations would be very much appreciated as I am having all kinds of trouble even getting close to winning the game. I just tried to make it through the forbidden pit and got my butt kicked. After bumping up from level 25 to 26 I had enough trait points to increase my strength from 8 to 9, hoping to see a large increase in damage and DPS, but was greatly disappointed in seeing almost no increase at all. It took me a LONG time to earn enough experience to gain the necessary trait points, and it appears it was pretty much for nothing. The thought of grinding for hours on end just to earn a few more trait points (which don't seem to matter anyway) is about enough to get me to throw in the towel and delete the game. ☹ I see where it's been said that anything above level 20 isn't needed to win the game, so I am either one hell of a crappy player (quite possible) or I am missing something important.
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Staff member
Yes, this is a necro thread. (Also a death-by-screen-shot thread.) But I can see you're trying to follow the thread so I'll try to answer your questions:

There seems to be a consistent misunderstanding how the game mechanics work. And that could explain why you are still struggling with a Level 26 character. I'll try to break down some of the confusion.

1) Let's start with the most crucial statement in your post: "I see where it's been said that anything above level 20 isn't needed to win the game, so I am either one hell of a crappy player (quite possible) or I am missing something important."
Yes, most players will (or can) beat the game between Level 18 and Level 22. It's not uncommon for players to make it through the final plot twist at Level 23 to Level 25, either. So the best guess at this time is that you might have a few misconceptions about game mechanics that are throwing you off a bit. Let's explore. And relax, you're not the first Player who has some nasty things to say about David the Developer. He hates players, that's why the forum is here to help :)

2) Your Statement: "If you total it all up, (without enhancements) he has 27 vs. my 22. Again, how is this possible when we are at the same level?"
There's a difference between the trait points you earn at level up to use on traits, and the the final value of a Trait. Due to the escalating cost of increasing the trait value, you can't just add up trait values to compare trait points between characters. See the Trait point section on the Wiki for details.

Having about 100 trait points by Level 26 is common. Realistically, I think most players have between 90 and 100 at that point, depending on how actively they searched for Anicient Tolassian Tomes , and gathered the trait points from the misc ways (Hall of Wisdom, Medical Bays etc). How a player invests those trait points into increasing Traits creates the trait set set for the character.

The player above you displays a Trait set up of STR 10, END 4, AGL 6, INT 3, AWA 1, PER 3. If I do my math right, that works out to be 55 + 10 + 21 + 6 + 1 + 6, which equals 99 trait points. About what we would expect.

For comparison you state you have a trait set of: STR 9, END 7, AGL 0, INT 2, AWA 1, PERS 3. That set up would require: 45 + 28 + 0 + 3 + 1 + 3 = 80 trait points. So you're on the low end, if the Wiki's count of Tomes is correct. Have you completed the Sewar of Horrors yet, there's a lot of them in there. Note, the Sewer is designed to be an end-game gauntlet of an area. Most players find it harder than the Arc, which is by design. So don't feel like you have to rush into that nightmare.

The above trait comparison didn't include equipment. You can look at the Wiki's Equipment List to look at the various equipment that gives a bonus to traits (big ones are the STR 3 belt and AGL 3 gloves found in the Arc).

3) Your Statement: "Also, it appears that he has far more skill points than I have. (60 vs. 50)"
For brevity, there's about 10 skill points you can earn in the game through finding Tomes of Lost Wisdom, and completing certain tasks in the Arc, Hall of Wisdom and with a certain all-powerful, zap-happy desert dweller.

4) Your Statement: "His damage and DPS is 2x what mine is while equipped with what appears to be the same weapon..."
See the little red lines coming off the picture of his character? That means his character is under a buff of some sort. Given the player in question has Flurry, Battle Rage and Blood Lust, it's likely he (or she) took the screen shot with all three skills active, which would give a nice boost to DPS. Except, I think the STR bonus from Battle Rage would show up in the screen as well, so maybe that wasn't active and he was just under Flurry.

Flurry requires a heavy investment into AGL, but it gives the highest damage boost of any skill. Only for a few seconds, but at upper levels, not many enemies can survive a few seconds against the attack.

5) Your Statement: "I just tried to make it through the forbidden pit and got my butt kicked."
The Pit is hard, but it should be very doable for a Level 26 character. What's your death protection? Enemies in the Pit do a heck of a lot of death damage, so equipping heavy death protection gear and stocking up on Death Resist potions helps a lot. Also, what weapon and companion are you using? Given the special enemy types in the Pit, weapons that deal BOTH extra damage to undead and outsiders are quite helpful ( e.g. Spirit Cleaver, Spirit Breaker).

Also, you can skip the Pit, if you have more stuff to do in the game. No shame in putting off that task until you work out the kinks in your build.

6) Your Statement: "I had enough trait points to increase my strength from 8 to 9, hoping to see a large increase in damage and DPS, but was greatly disappointed in seeing almost no increase at all."
You should have been able to anticipate the increase in Damage Per Second and Damage Per Hit. Given your trait set, I'm guessing you're a 2-H build that has maxed out 2-H expert (if you haven't, do it). That would give you an extra 2.5 damage per hit (rounding down). Given 2-H weapons are slow, almost always less than one blow per second (Scimitars being the only 2-H weapon with a speed of 10). Most players that make it to Level 26, have learned the slight increase in DPS done by increasing STR one value. Note, it does have a higher increase in damage per hit, and a more notable increase in attacks that multiple base damage (Charge, Whirlwind). Exiled Kingdoms is a game of little victories, so even a small increase in DPS can make a notable difference in a dungeon run. Or, you might want to consider investing in another trait to help round out your character.

Lastly, but not least, feel encouraged to take a sanity break and come back with the game with a fresh mind, and fresh eyes. It's amazing how sometimes little adjustments can make a world of difference in a character.


Active member
VDX, thanks so much for your reply! You've helped me a great deal. Just a couple of your suggestions made a world of difference. It was pretty stupid to go charging into the Pit without preparing first. I went to my vault where I had a huge store of potions of Death Ward, Restoration, Giant Strength, Healing, etc., and after stocking up I re-entered the pit and was able to cut my way through to the Void Lord and defeat him first try. I don't know why I didn't think of using all that stuff in the first place, but it's pretty embarrassing that I didn't.
About my build. You are correct, I'm using a 2-Hand build and I have maxed out 2-Hand expert. I primarily use an Adamantite Greatsword as does my companion, Grisssenda.
Thanks again for your response. You've given me a whole lot to think about and consider, and I really appreciate it. 👍


Staff member
" It was pretty stupid to go charging into the Pit without preparing first."

Yep, it was. Call it a learning experience. :)

Now, that you learned the value of the various potions and scrolls, go to town on clearing the game.


Staff member
Also, keep in mind you can use potions and scrolls on your Companion. That can give them a nifty boost in tough fights.
