There is a Sydarun town quest that request you to kill a varranari hunter. If you complete that town quest, you loose 5 reputation points with the varranaries.
No, it is not true. It is posible if you atacked the varannari in only one of this quests but then choose ends of the other quests with the biggest bonus to varannari reputation
+9 in 'the price of freedom' and +10 in 'the last of legion'
I have killed Steel Thunder, give pelt to Ruun, completed 'price of freedom', 'prisoner of orcs', 'best hunter', 'sacred weapons', 'last of legion', 'father of wolfes' and had 26 rep before 'path of deer'
P. S. When I calculated my reputation it is +39 but actually it is +36. Seems like you get -3 reputation with varannari when you attack guards of entrance to Elder Forest
I found an alternative way to boost the reputation, help the Vannaris in their escape attempt by distracting the guard. This is a cool way to get initial bump in reputation. You do get -10 or -5 in Mercia and Freetown but it gets positive as you complete other missions
I will break down my calculations so it's clear how Varannari rep can be built (or ruined) and what is required to complete Elder Forest.
Human resources ( +8 / -10 )
Price of Freedom ( +9 / +0 / -3 / -5)
Best Hunter in the World (+3)
Prisoner of Orcs (+4)
Helping Ruun (+2)
The Sacred Weapons (+3)
Of course if you pick mercian quests to capture slaves or "rebels", this can be reduced drastically.
This means you can reach a +29 before entering the Elder Forest. A reputation of +10 is required to enter peacefully. After entering the forest, completing Father of Wolves grants +5, so after this quest your minimum rep is +15 and maximum is +34.
Last of Legion can grant a +2, +5 or +10 to Varannari reputation, depending on chosen solution and requirements. +5 is considered the "best" outcome, but anybody that can talk to Hunting Moon can pick the +10 option (slaugthering the mercians), meaning a +15 would be enough to end up with a +25 and then start Path of the Deer.
So it's safe to say that unless you are particularly nasty with the Varannari, and not just once but repeteadly, you can complete all quests.
It's going to stay as it is, sorry for those that chose to reap the rewards like Steel Thunder but you can't have everything... and it's not like this came out of nowhere. Elder Forest was going to be added one day, and there was a Varannari reputation value visible in the game.
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