Update Testing for iPhone users?


New member
I saw a recent post about testing available for android users on the newest update but nothing was stated about people with iPhones. I would love to have access to the newest updates as well. Any news on the availability?

Also just a small question I had, Will there be any more in-app purchases? Like stronger in game items you can pay for to get or maybe small experience potions per se. I would probably pay money daily and play a hell of a lot more (even though iplay at least 6 hours a day) if there were more in-game purchases.


Staff member
Hello, I am sorry but I can't afford a testing group on iOS. While Apple now provides good testing programs, building for iOS platform takes several steps that involve hours. During testing days I typically fix and rebuild many daily updates, so versions would end up mismatched. Thanks however for being interested in helping!

On the plus side, testing periods are short and rarely take longer than a week. I expect this last update to go public tomorrow, after just 4 days, so it's not a long wait.

Regarding in-app purchases of items or gold, I am afraid I will never do that. Yes, many players tell me they want to pay for gold or XP, but it would change the nature of the whole game; every time I designed a very hard encounter or very expensive items, it could be understood as if it was designed for money-milking the player; such factor would seriously limit my creative freedom. Maybe after all the Varannar areas are added I'll charge for extra content, but that's the only thing I'd consider.


New member
Thanks for taking the time to reply. I didn't know IPhone made it more complicating when it comes to making apps. I always went with Android and said I never would buy an Apple product but I wanted something with better security. Over time I'll probably go back to android when my phone becomes old.

I understand the money-milking thing, I would think the same on any other game but this is by far the best game I've ever come across on a mobile platform, no joke. anyways thanks again for making an amazing game. I'm really llooking forward to future updates. :D


Staff member
RadialArcX81":1mv8exyl said:
Thanks for taking the time to reply. I didn't know IPhone made it more complicating when it comes to making apps.

Thanks for your understanding. Just to not blame Apple for everything: it's not exactly that Apple makes it harder "per se", but my development setup has Android as "base" and then iOS as a build I have to prepare in a separate machine (you need a Mac to build for iOS...), so in my case it wouldn't be feasible to mantain both test channels.
