İ can help you improve the Turkish language.
Royal_only New member Joined 08/02/2020 Messages 2 10/02/2020 #1 İ can help you improve the Turkish language.
Alan_SP Staff member Administrator Joined 11/01/2016 Messages 1,991 10/02/2020 #2 Thanks for your interest in helping EK community and game in general. About translation, there's procedure how to become translator described here: https://exiledkingdoms.com/forum/index.php?threads/ek-translation-we-need-your-help.9949/ Please read first post and ask to join translators.
Thanks for your interest in helping EK community and game in general. About translation, there's procedure how to become translator described here: https://exiledkingdoms.com/forum/index.php?threads/ek-translation-we-need-your-help.9949/ Please read first post and ask to join translators.