Trollskin armor stats need some buff?


New member
To get a single piece of trollskin armor one needs to kill like 40 trolls to get 3 hides. Those beasts are level 10+. Require fire punch to be finished with. Not to mention 2000 gold price. Half an hour of annoying music of Trollfence... This quest is a real torture for the nerves.

Even for a lvl10 hero this quest is a struggle. And for a reward we get a single piece of armor with 1A-2H-40PRes stats?! Curious, do people complete this quest to get that piece of armor, or just for the sake of completion? Would anyone agree that the stats of this quest item is kinda off and need some buff? Because I never felt like I *do want* that item - the effort required does not seem to pay off.

40 Poison resistance is good, of course, but considering other stats, it is not the armor one would probably like to wear unless in specific situations only, when poison resistance is highly required. So it is a toggling item then. Why so bad? Is it just me, or any1 else thinks that way?


Staff member
yandersen":2zm1r666 said:
To get a single piece of trollskin armor one needs to kill like 40 trolls to get 3 hides.
Due to the random nature of drop mechanics, results very on how many trolls one needs to kill to get the armor. Some players get a handful right of the bat, some players have committed troll genocide and still are looking for those hides.


Staff member
yandersen":2ixqt86r said:
40 Poison resistance is good, of course, but considering other stats, it is not the armor one would probably like to wear unless in specific situations only
That's exactly the point. Trollskin armor is designed to be specialized armor for specific areas. How many other items in the game give a +40 to any type of resistance?

Run the numbers and you'll see trading a mid tier piece of equipment for trollskin provides a massive benefit to the player.

Per game mechanics, armor is random between 20% to 100% of armor without a shield and 40% to 100% with a shield. For ease of math, let's say you had a armor value of 20, that would be 4 to 20, or 12 avg without a shield, and 8 to 20 , or 14 avg with a shield. Given up 2 points in armor changes those averages downwards by 1 or 2 points due to rounding. So you give up one or two points per hit to gain blocking 40% of incoming poison damage.

One popular use is getting the boots. That way one can wear the boots for the poison defense and only give up a few armor points. The cap/boots/gauntless all have the same stats so it's player choice. Getting the cap allows wearing lap gloves and jungle boots for max poison defense.


First I thought that all was about armor and health too, but resistances are extremely important. Boosting your poison resistance from 0 to 40 means a 40% damage reduction from poison attacks, having 100 or so reduces by 70% I think. The thing is that element attacks completely ingore armor, so if you are in specific areas with poison attacks you become basically invincible with high poison resistance. It's not all about armor values and HP.


New member
Well, u see, troll armor gives +40 resistance to one stat. But there are armors exist that provide multiple resistances with summ above that (for example, the Shield of the Dragon Hunter gives +25FR, +25CR - that is summ of +50%).

I am just saying that for such a unique and hard-obtained piece of armor I expect slightly better performance. For toggling purposes I prefer switching rings since this way I generally do not need to trade armor to choose specific resistance required in particular situation.


Staff member
yandersen":2krtdmpz said:
...for such a unique and hard-obtained piece of armor I expect slightly better performance.

There are only two items in the entire game that give a 40 or more resistance to any type of damage: Trollskin for poison, Star Traveler for shock. The latter is only attainable in the Ark as a rare drop.

Trollskin is easiest top tier resistance piece of equipment to get because you just need to kill trolls to do it. No particular troll. No particular place. Just kill trolls at your leisure till you get enough trollskin to make it. Sure, due to random nature of random drops, some people will get luckier than others, but not a difficult piece to get. And can be gotten in the early game (pre-Fort Assault).

As for the Shield of the Dragon Hunter, it's a late game, warrior only, top tier piece so not really comparable. And the math of 25 Fire Resistance and 25 Ice Resistance to get a working item vale of 50 Resistance is not valid. How many places in the game does a player face BOTH ice and fire at the same time? Very few.


Staff member
yandersen":2fkh9jew said:
I am just saying that for such a unique and hard-obtained piece of armor I expect slightly better performance.
Your first post you state "To get a single piece of trollskin armor one needs to kill like 40 trolls to get 3 hides."

Do you think killing a mere 40 trolls is really that hard? If you do, what do you think about the effort to get the Chitin shield? To get that you have to kill stun crazy beasts.

The game is long. The game is challenging.
