I recently took on a bunch of Town Hall quests; kind of challenging myself to get multiple ones done in a round trip, but of course I need to know where the targets are first. So I listen for rumors and one of my targets was in "New Garand Farmlands" but didn't specify where. I figure, OK, there are a few places that TH targets usually hang out, I'll check those out and save some rumor-listening time. I head up to the area north of the farms by the river, but there are just the standard foes there. I kill them and head around everywhere else on the map, and my target isn't around. I go back to the city and listen for more rumors, and NOW it tells me that the target is in New Garand Farmlands, north of the city by the river... in other words, exactly where I first looked for him!
So does this mean that TH targets don't spawn in a particular location unless you've heard a rumor with enough detail, or was this a glitch?
So does this mean that TH targets don't spawn in a particular location unless you've heard a rumor with enough detail, or was this a glitch?