Things that I can't wait to be complete in this game


Well-known member
Hi all,

while we all move together with David toward the creation of this game, there are the following things that I can't wait to see complete or doable.

- exploring the freed Lannegar mines underground
- exploring the second floor of the minotaur maze nearby Jabal
- exploring the upper floor of the Library in Freetown and of the governor house in Friguld.
- seeing how the plot with Snake the rogue will develop in the future (why can't I meet her in the cave after the quest?)
- meet again the mirmek who became a woman thanks tho the shard, after that she helps me to kill the undermother (have I been fooled by her pretending to be a new force of good?)
- meet the varannari
- meet again in New Garand royal court the child closed in a chest during the Message in a Bottle quest.
- craft items
- see the kind of magic items that wizards will sell
- visit the Baron's castle (or whatever), the one that you cannot really enter not even by luring the guards using wolves.
- see if there will ever be a way to break the curse on the guy turned into a troll
- see the followers' sub-plots including Grissenda's quest for knighthood
- turn my character into a knight by requesting audience
- the quest related to rebels in bluerock castle in Mercia
- moving over the barricade blocking the path to (I guess) Freetown royal residence
- the arena in Freetown that, I hope, is not (only) for on-line player vs. player duels.

A lot of stuff, I know! :)

the mez

New member
0rion79":m0hjauyc said:
Hi all,

while we all move together with David toward the creation of this game, there are the following things that I can't wait to see complete or doable.

- exploring the freed Lannegar mines underground
- exploring the second floor of the minotaur maze nearby Jabal
- exploring the upper floor of the Library in Freetown and of the governor house in Friguld.
- seeing how the plot with Snake the rogue will develop in the future (why can't I meet her in the cave after the quest?)
- meet again the mirmek who became a woman thanks tho the shard, after that she helps me to kill the undermother (have I been fooled by her pretending to be a new force of good?)
- meet the varannari
- meet again in New Garand royal court the child closed in a chest during the Message in a Bottle quest.
- craft items
- see the kind of magic items that wizards will sell
- visit the Baron's castle (or whatever), the one that you cannot really enter not even by luring the guards using wolves.
- see if there will ever be a way to break the curse on the guy turned into a troll
- see the followers' sub-plots including Grissenda's quest for knighthood
- turn my character into a knight by requesting audience
- the quest related to rebels in bluerock castle in Mercia
- moving over the barricade blocking the path to (I guess) Freetown royal residence
- the arena in Freetown that, I hope, is not (only) for on-line player vs. player duels.

A lot of stuff, I know! :)

dont foget the mage and thuram bro :)


Well-known member
They are intentionally out of my list, since they would mean the end of the game or so, while I want to enjoy everything in the middle first

the mez

New member
0rion79":15n7svl0 said:
They are intentionally out of my list, since they would mean the end of the game or so, while I want to enjoy everything in the middle first
yeah but I dont think 1.0 would be the end of the storyline though I expect the 1.0 would just give us more inside story of how things would eventually end (undermother said something I just can get a grip around it) who knows 1.0 might give us more story about the past..

Glass Cannon

The Netherlands, Utrecht.
If david must compleet your list it would be a update or 8 or so haha this is a huge list but i think he can use most of it for new coming tasks and combine it with new maps and townhall quests.

But indeed it should not been forgotten.....

Ps the arena would be pvp and means online since we need to be connected... right
If you make it a challange arena like bosses but twice so strong for upgraded gear well then yes its a pvm in stead of pvp and pvm can be done offline...

But i noticed by david that he has plans in the far far very to far future to make it online for the arena and cooperation missions..... and maybe seasonal events.... like halloween ( overrun by skeletons everywhere and poisonious pumpkins ) its just a suggestion haha.


Well-known member
Well, as the gamer goes on, it is great to keep track of stand-by quests that deserve a full ending and more consequences on the plot! :)

Fighting boss-monsters or archenemies in the arena should be one of the must-have options to get special rewards. PvsP online gaming is not really in the flavor of old RPGs! But I guess some people would like, so... just leave it as an option :)

Grim Rapper

Well-known member
0rion79":tbqyy5rc said:
Hi all,

while we all move together with David toward the creation of this game, there are the following things that I can't wait to see complete or doable.

- exploring the freed Lannegar mines underground
- exploring the second floor of the minotaur maze nearby Jabal
- exploring the upper floor of the Library in Freetown and of the governor house in Friguld.
- seeing how the plot with Snake the rogue will develop in the future (why can't I meet her in the cave after the quest?)
- meet again the mirmek who became a woman thanks tho the shard, after that she helps me to kill the undermother (have I been fooled by her pretending to be a new force of good?)
- meet the varannari
- meet again in New Garand royal court the child closed in a chest during the Message in a Bottle quest.
- craft items
- see the kind of magic items that wizards will sell
- visit the Baron's castle (or whatever), the one that you cannot really enter not even by luring the guards using wolves.
- see if there will ever be a way to break the curse on the guy turned into a troll
- see the followers' sub-plots including Grissenda's quest for knighthood
- turn my character into a knight by requesting audience
- the quest related to rebels in bluerock castle in Mercia
- moving over the barricade blocking the path to (I guess) Freetown royal residence
- the arena in Freetown that, I hope, is not (only) for on-line player vs. player duels.

A lot of stuff, I know! :)
I do hype about it too, although we all know it'll not come immediately (Daddy David I love you) and it'll be slow but at least it was worth the wait.
Also I want to add my personal list if you want it:
- The Loreseeker grand quest
- The appereance of Muudari
- The (remaining) champion of Andorian Knight (skeletal or survivor)
- A better armor set for Cleric :(
- The Seventh House vs. Golden Hand encounter
- The Southeren Orcish Kingdom (kinda sound like Warcraft tbh lol)
- The second meeting of our "true love" (IYKWIM xd)
- The true potential of Crafting mechanic
- Meeting the Varannari Chief at Elder forest
- Pummeling the Mercian Kingdom >:) (cuz I hate it for some reason)
- Our true lord and savior David's selfie as an easteregg ;>

(Sorry not sorry)
(Pls don't ban me)


Staff member
I don't know how it happens but everytime I add one new area there's two new missing ones :(
