The massacre of the Emerrand fortress + audio bug


Staff member
While doing the fights at the Emerrand fortress, I noticed something interesting that I didn't notice in my first playthrough because I skipped the fights outside.
There are npcs wandering around the fortress, who can't be attacked but do have a statline.

This of course, piqued my interest, as anyone knows that things with hitpoints can be killed.
So after experimenting for a bit, I quickly discovered that AOE attacks were able to damage them.

During my next fight, Marietta went "wandering off" a bit, and "accidentally" killed some of the innocent npcs in the fortress, including the trader.

This brutal slaughter ended their lives permanently, although unfortunately I didn't receive any xp or loot from them either, they didn't even show up at the end of the combat screen.
Though on the flip side, I didn't even receive any reputation penalties for it either (or at least none in the logs)
So I guess Urendale must not care about the foresters living in the fortress.

However, the reason that I'm reporting this (besides letting it know that npcs can be killed) is because killing them also causes a weird audio bug.
The death sounds keep looping over and over again, as if their ghosts are still haunting me beyond the grave.
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Staff member
However, the reason that I'm reporting this (besides letting it know that npcs can be killed) is because killing them also causes a weird audio bug.
The death sounds keep looping over and over again, as if their ghosts are still haunting me beyond the grave.

Sounds fitting!

Noted for future revision, bystander deaths should be handled properly.
