The Golden Hand Issues

Jenny Tailia

New Member
2nd time playing through. Got this game just b4 mage character was completed. But there is a minor issue that others have griped about and now am in the same spot myself (having a -6 rep with the golden hand and having to fight to get in since I have only 2 books left).

Please, please consider putting in a couple extra quests to improve ones reputation with the golden hand. A couple of early mistakes in the game and it becomes inaccessable until your character is high enough in level to battle your way in.

I forgot and had one of the books in inventory, thinking it was a different time and interacted in the temple and poof, gone...didn't even notice it was gone till way later.

Moreover, having an early on quest that can make it lopsided later doesn't help.

This could also be overcome by placing the 4th book someplace outside the library.

Please consider for future updates, I'm sure many folks will be glad to have a work around when they get stuck in this situation.

Thank you for making an ortherwise exceptionally fantastic game. I can't wait to see what new areas you add into the game later.


Staff member
The in-game dialogue requires you to tell Lore Seekers you have a book in your bag. Did you just absently mindedly click through the dialogue?

The idea that choices have consequences is part of the foundation of this game, thus choosing one side or the other should have an impact.

Note, that fighting through the Library isn't that hard, and is optional in the sense that it isn't required to complete the game.

Irking the Golden Hand has a much less severe outcome than irking the Mad Wizard (that use to block off a huge chunk of the game).


The "correct" way to do the quest is to give the Goldens the quest medallion from Spicing Things Up, which you can snatch before you're of a high enough level to defeat the wraith, that gives you early access to the high-end vendors there; after that give all the books to the Greys.

But it doesn't matter, if the Goldens are your foe it doesn't ruin the game it just gives you another item on the "To Do" list for a rerun.


Staff member
People you can bribe: A court official, an arena person, a guard....
People you can't bribe: A doorman for a greedy group.

Jenny Tailia

New Member
4 I said, this is second time through...I completed the game a year or so back. I changed phones and now am playing through again. I like this game enough that I'd be willing to donate a few bucks each time they delivered new content or regions to explore

I knew about the golden hand issue but didn't realize I had the book in my bag so early on, thinking it was a tolossian book. And by the time I realized, it was too even someone whose been through the process can readily make this mistake which is why there should be a work around.

As for friguld, I look forward to breaking into the bank again! But that at least is at the level of salient awareness of the options at the time. The Golden Hand, you are not aware of the consequences till much later in the game.
But, my 23 LVL mage with 400+ HP and SPjust crushes those golums. Only I want to make friends not enemies...which would be a great take on this game like they do with the new additions of the legionairs and varanari...make it so you leave a more peaceful coexisting world behind-- so to speak. can't get ti the dragon coast till the varannari are free citizens and the rival disputing factions have come to peace....even toss in making peace with the ogres when that addition comes out and so forth. ....that or slaughter them all...whatever world you wish to leave behind.

That's part of the enjoyment of this game that could be drawn out a bit more to really suck people into the game...having to always balance out or leave alone ones actions....but there should always be some extra (difficult) ways to reballance one's reputation in case of making mistakes one way or another.


Staff member
If the Corsairs are ever added to the game (10+ years out, if ever), than irking Friguld might have a problem. Till than, banks are made for heisting.
