Yes I'm as confused as you are
Grim Rapper Well-known member Joined 20/11/2016 Messages 213 24/07/2017 #1 Yes I'm as confused as you are
DavidBVal Developer Staff member Administrator Joined 28/02/2015 Messages 7,585 24/07/2017 #2 Looks like a weird glitch... was reported once before. Should be ok the next time you find him.
VDX_360 Staff member Moderator Joined 20/01/2017 Messages 6,277 25/07/2017 #3 Plus side: he didn't try to stab you and you could still sell off surplus loot
MikeB Staff member Loreseeker Joined 31/10/2016 Messages 1,443 Location Germany 25/07/2017 #4 EK wouldn't be the same without the Shady Traveller and his bugs. It's good to have some things you can rely on...
EK wouldn't be the same without the Shady Traveller and his bugs. It's good to have some things you can rely on...