Thank you :) (few questions)


New member
I just bought this game yesterday. I remember playing this game a year ago and not buying it (I think it cost around 1 euro back then?) but now after playing it again I couldn't hesitate and had to buy this game to explore its very big world.
I've got one question, do you get discount in steam for buying this game on phone?

Also, few things I wish to change.
Making dungeons and caves less predictable. With this I mean that you can kind of expect to find some enemies behind the door and you have to constantly abort your mission in order to heal. Maybe put more traps and less mosnters in the caves or make empty rooms + rooms with high lvl monsters giving a player rewarding experience with very high risk. I think one great idea would be to sell tents in the cities and you could camp and sleep once. Give them a high price so people wont be able to buy tons of them.
Other thing I would like is to add some romance ;) I think its a great idea and makes the adventure more interesting. Perhaps doing mission for your partner or taking her/him with you.

Finally, thank you for this awesome game. Easily the only game on phone I truly enjoy playing.


Staff member
xylitol":3esas35z said:
I think one great idea would be to sell tents in the cities and you could camp and sleep once. Give them a high price so people wont be able to buy tons of them.
You mean something like this: Epic Omelette?


Active member
xylitol":143ogdvb said:
I just bought this game yesterday. I remember playing this game a year ago and not buying it (I think it cost around 1 euro back then?) but now after playing it again I couldn't hesitate and had to buy this game to explore its very big world.
I've got one question, do you get discount in steam for buying this game on phone?

Also, few things I wish to change.
Making dungeons and caves less predictable. With this I mean that you can kind of expect to find some enemies behind the door and you have to constantly abort your mission in order to heal. Maybe put more traps and less mosnters in the caves or make empty rooms + rooms with high lvl monsters giving a player rewarding experience with very high risk. I think one great idea would be to sell tents in the cities and you could camp and sleep once. Give them a high price so people wont be able to buy tons of them.
Other thing I would like is to add some romance ;) I think its a great idea and makes the adventure more interesting. Perhaps doing mission for your partner or taking her/him with you.

Finally, thank you for this awesome game. Easily the only game on phone I truly enjoy playing.
Actaully there is some romance for both sexes but more options for male characters including adult stuff in a specific mission you get in new anthur i dont want to be spoiling the gane for you but you should complete the game i am sure you wikk find what meets you request including more traps and you will regret your request


Well-known member
xylitol":cllnyknt said:
some romance
... ? :p

in "the princess of the sea" mission our lovely character hangs out out with someone kinda like a furry :p
