1-All 3 temples and all rooms has switch=Lever with (F). There is no (C) and there is no (R).
2-i am trying to do temple 1 (1 switch at the far back room, i did not see any more)
temple 3 the farest one (i only see 1 switch and my dedector insisting that there is a hidden door somewhere in the area and i used more than 5 dedector sheet and walked very slowly Ll around there is no door :-( Can anybody help to tell me if there is a hidden door at temple 3 which might include a possible 2nd switch maybe?
3-if there is 1 switch at twmple 1 and if there is 1 switch at temple 3, that means there should be 3 more switches somewhere at temple 2 to activate am i right?
Once again, every time i activate any of the switch it always shows (F) and no other letters for FRCFR
Can anybody help?