Technical F.A.Q.


Here are some frequently asked questions and frequently ansered answers :ugeek: (updatable post). i'll look up for more questions later today

1. Where can I download the game :?:

:idea: Currently, you can download it from Google Play. Plans are in mottion to add this to Amazon and the Apple Store.

2. The Change log says there is a new version of the game, but Google Play does not show an update. How do I update the game :?:

:idea: The latest updates are rolled out in Google Play in increments - some users will get updates first selected at random, others will receive the update over time.

3. Why can't I venture into certain areas? A box pops up saying the area is still in development. :?:

:idea: The game is in the beta phase, new areas and content will continue to be added. You can read the Exiled Kingdoms Changleog and the News and Announcements for more information.

4. How do I backup or move save-games to other devices :?:

:idea: Please see How to backup / move to other device your saved game for detailed instructions on backing up your game and switching devices.

:idea: How to backup to Google Drive - Cloud backup/restore - manual version.

5. Is there a character level cap currently in the game :?:

:idea: There is at the moment hard level cap at level 25, but past level 20, it goes up very, very slowly. Consider level 20 a "soft cap" and level 25 hard cap. This should be changed with future updates (probably to level 100), stay tuned with Exiled Kingdoms Changelog.

6. What does blue description on some items mean :?: For example "Orc-slayer"

:idea: It describes the special Attribute this item has. Tap the blue word in item description for more info. Also, all the Attributes will be added to the wiki page in the future.

7.Want to buy the full game, but you don't have a credit card. Is there any alternative way :?:

:idea: You can buy the full game with credits earned in special Google Play app. Want to buy full the game, but you don't have a credit card? Read this.

8. I like the game a lot! How can i donate or help with the game :?:

:idea: The Developer of the game, David, doesn't like the idea of donations on top of a commercial product. So buying the full game and spreading the word among friends is the best way to help. Also you can report bugs and provide feedback about the game.

9. Can I reset my characters skills or trait points :?:

:idea: Yes, there are NPC's you can find that can reset your traits and skill points for a price. The price will increase every time you do this.

10. How do I do a backup file and email? :?:

:idea: First be at the main menu (just start EK).

Choose Continue Game.

Choose Export & Cloud Save (at the bottom).

Choose Export your saves to a file. After that you created backup file in the root of your internal memory.

Choose Exit.

Now you're back at the maim menu. Choose red support button that looks like mail envelope. Now you're in your email program, with EK's support email selected.

Here you write message (mention in short you wrote about this in forum, create meaningful subject) and attach file EK.bak (my email program opens root of internal memory, if your doesn't, find it, I can't help you much here).

Send email to David.

11. I have troubles restoring my purchase, what should I do? :?:

:idea: if you are on an Apple device, there has been an issue recently which is being talked in the Apple Developer forums. Restores are failing, but luckily the problem is permanently solved after logging off and on itunes. Do it like this:

1) Sign out of the App Store on your device: in your Settings app > "iTunes & App Stores", tap your Apple ID, then "Sign Out" (don't sign back in yet)
2) Return to the app and from main menu go to Store > Restore Purchase. When prompted, sign back in.

If you are on Android, then this is always caused by multiple accounts being present. Please remove the other accounts, restore purchase, then you can add them again.
