supporting you

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New member
I love the game and the balance of play being challenging and not overly easy. I'm an old time rpg player and loved playing games like Baldurs Gate on the pc, and I rate yours alongside this.

My reason for contact is you have a support game buy-in, which I'd love to do but as a one time amount is too much for me to do. Could you please introduce a split amount support, say like dividing it into 3 payments and I'd be more than happy to contribute this way. As an alternative maybe a monthly subscription charge that allows access to some aspects but doesn't remove content for the free to play gamers. These are off the cuff suggestions and before anyone points out, I've bought the full game already. I know that these games require a great amount of time and thought, as I used to work for under the World of Tanks NA servers, and I want to see this game grow and develop.

Thanks so far and I'll keep on playing!


Staff member
There is no donation /support option purchase in the game, I am not sure what you're talking about... the only available purchase is the full registration (2.95 in USA, may vary in other countries). I've never asked anyone for a donation in my life, unless we count when I was a kid and my parents gave me an allowance :p

I am going to lock this thread because talking about pricing is off limits as per the forum rules. There's nothing wrong in your message, I know you are trying to help, but talking about this is often problematic and causes issues, I don't want money discussed in this forum. Unless it's gold coins :)

If you really have seen a "donate" or "support" button anywhere for Exiled Kingdoms, I didn't put it there, and definitely I want to know, so email me at [email protected] or via PM.
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