Ah... I understand now.
Yeah I am currently running a summon cleric. Basically, as soon as you can get it you want to get the skill guardian wolf and have enough mana to use it (preferably more than once) If your lucky that will mean 4 personality 3 int (because the skill requires it). At low levels that will mean no points in str end or dex.... but if you build it the way I recommend then you should be able to summon guardian wolf level 3 as early as level 8.
Its a huge sacrifice in the early levels and will pretty much require you getting Gris as soon as possible to help keep you alive but it pays off when you can cast a level 13 spirit wolf when you aren't even level 10 yet.
For a summoner the most important attribute by far is Per, probably followed by End, and finally by either Str/ Dex or a mix.
Anyway... I hope that is helpful