Suggested New Skills Must See!


Well-known member
Since we're getting new skills according to the next update I would like to give some ideas and opinions on what could be implemented in the game.

Guild Master Skills
Shadow: (Lore) You have become the best in the power of deceit and lies. You can now summon your embodiment from your deepest wills and desires. Must have both Guild Master as your reputation in the Seventh House and Golden Hand. (200 reputation points from each faction)
You summon a ghost right next to you and will copy your every move aswell as skills.
Level 1: 15% damage
Level 2: 25% damage
Level 3: 35% damage

Golden Touch: (Lore) You have mastered the art of trade, business, and of course the deception to always gain the upperhand. (must have 200 reputation in the Golden Hands.)
Level 1: Monster drops and chest loots are now increased by 20%
Level 2: Monster drops and chest loots are now increased by 30%
Level 3: Monster drops and chest loots are now increased by 40%

Dual Wield: ( Lore ) Congratulations! You are now the Guild Master of The Seventh Hands. You can finally use a second blade on your other hand!
Level 1: 0.25% x Total Att damage
Level 2: 0.35% x Total Att damage
Level 3: 0.45% x Total Att damage

Guild Master Idea: It would be nice once you have become a Guild Master, you will now be able to go join a different faction and be able get their skills and quest aswell. This will give the game more replay value and longer gameplay. Plus who wouldn't like a good reward if you have to really work for it.

Help me with the rest. Im pretty sure you guys have some skill ideas inmind that would love to share


Czech republic
Re: New Skills Must See!

It seems very splendid - but I don't see anything for cleric.

Arbenos' might was improved recently but clerics really needs to be improved. I am looking for seeing Nivaria finished or at least opened for playing - with quests for cleric, by his guild - to he could achieve guild master skills.


Well-known member
Re: New Skills Must See!

Vaaclav":j7iwolum said:
It seems very splendid - but I don't see anything for cleric.

Arbenos' might was improved recently but clerics really needs to be improved. I am looking for seeing Nivaria finished or at least opened for playing - with quests for cleric, by his guild - to he could achieve guild master skills.
Indeed they do need a re buff. I would come with a skill for Cleric but my specialty are rogues. Feel free to come with an idea for an Advance Skill for them


Czech republic
Re: New Skills Must See!

In current game I chose Retribution, Turn undead - and two warrior/rogue skills - massive criticals and precision strike.

Turn undead would be more offensive - it would be passive ability - and have chance to paralyze undead enemies per hit (10, 25, 50) for 2, 5 and 10 seconds.

Crusader would give a little greater bonus to Spirit attack (or have bonus of all elements).


And to new abilities to fill full of four (or to propose option to choose), I would like to see (here I don't care of mana and skill points cost, but ...)

Holy resistance - increasing all resistances up to 50 and 75 (it means that if cleric would have death resistance increased to 70, than it will have only minimal effect, meanwhile else resistance could be increased very much) for 30 or 60 seconds (with cooldown 60 and 120 seconds).

Holy speed - increases attack speed of 10, 25, 50% permanently - or 50, 100 and 200% for 15, 30 and 60 seconds.

Mummy/undead slayer - achieved by reading Tolassian embalming codex (I thought how to use this book found in Irazur tomb); kills mummies by one hit, have chance 10, 25 or 50% to kill other undead by one hit

Magic breaker (could be also for mage) - magical creatures will lose ability to use their magic abilities (it means that creatures like skeleton evokers, imps or so would only physically attack you or they would not be able to attack you at all); for 30 and 60 seconds in range of 5 and 10 meters

Wild one (could be for all classes) - after training by Varannari (additionally after achieving of One with the wild or so), some animals (wolves, white wolves, coyotes, bears, probably also Mirmeks - all excepting special ones) would follow you instead attack you or at least they would not attack you until you get very close to them; may be punished by negative reputation by Mercia

... and that is all for this time


Well-known member
Re: New Skills Must See!

Clerics should be given the power to automatically destroy undead 10 levels below them once every 30 seconds - Hammer of the Gods. Yes, Led Zep reference.

This would be a great equalizer. Great xp and gold farming from somehing like this.


Well-known member
Re: New Skills Must See!

I feel your pain brothers! But don't fret for The Three have blessed me with divine powers thru worship and wisdom. In Thelume's name the truth shall be revealed !

Grand Cross-
A giant cross made out of pure light is cast upon the enemy dealing light damage and more...
Req: Level 3 Sacred Fire
Cross deal 40/50/60 damage and additional 24/36/44 damage to undead. Also gain 1/4,1/3,1/2 HP from the damage dealt from each enemy (Only works for the undead)


Well-known member
Re: New Skills Must See!

ArrowsFTW":3dvntljk said:
I feel your pain brothers! But don't fret for The Three have blessed me with divine powers thru worship and wisdom. In Thelume's name the truth shall be revealed !

Grand Cross-
A giant cross made out of pure light is cast upon the enemy dealing light damage and more...
Req: Level 3 Sacred Fire
Cross deal 40/50/60 damage and additional 24/36/44 damage to undead. Also gain 1/4,1/3,1/2 HP from the damage dealt from each enemy (Only works for the undead)

Yes, something like that. But not necessarily a "cross" but maybe a symbol of the three.


Well-known member
Re: New Skills Must See!

Dimidium":2ftp2l81 said:
ArrowsFTW":2ftp2l81 said:
I feel your pain brothers! But don't fret for The Three have blessed me with divine powers thru worship and wisdom. In Thelume's name the truth shall be revealed !

Grand Cross-
A giant cross made out of pure light is cast upon the enemy dealing light damage and more...
Req: Level 3 Sacred Fire
Cross deal 40/50/60 damage and additional 24/36/44 damage to undead. Also gain 1/4,1/3,1/2 HP from the damage dealt from each enemy (Only works for the undead)

Yes, something like that. But not necessarily a "cross" but maybe a symbol of the three.
What is the symbol of the three?


Well-known member
Re: New Skills Must See!

ArrowsFTW":3qf8hm1a said:
Dimidium":3qf8hm1a said:
ArrowsFTW":3qf8hm1a said:
I feel your pain brothers! But don't fret for The Three have blessed me with divine powers thru worship and wisdom. In Thelume's name the truth shall be revealed !

Grand Cross-
A giant cross made out of pure light is cast upon the enemy dealing light damage and more...
Req: Level 3 Sacred Fire
Cross deal 40/50/60 damage and additional 24/36/44 damage to undead. Also gain 1/4,1/3,1/2 HP from the damage dealt from each enemy (Only works for the undead)

Yes, something like that. But not necessarily a "cross" but maybe a symbol of the three.
What is the symbol of the three?

Oh, I belive only David could know that :)


La Dorada, Caldas, Colombia
Re: New Skills Must See!

Dimidium":qh69o40b said:
ArrowsFTW":qh69o40b said:
Dimidium":qh69o40b said:
Yes, something like that. But not necessarily a "cross" but maybe a symbol of the three.
What is the symbol of the three?

Oh, I belive only David could know that :)


Here ya go.
