Stuck on the quest ark of lothasan


New member
Good day,
So I am a Level 21 Rogue and I struggle strongly to finish the ark of lothasan dungeon, I cant find any lightning based weapon so I can use the weakness of the enemies. I used the wiki and killed all three bosses who have the lightning blade in their drope rate, but sadly got none.
At such a level most areas seem boring as not many enemies have the same level.
In the fight with a steel spider I do win but only with a one on one but not against a steel wizard. In some rooms there are both of them and I have no chance. What do I do wrong?
I have 2 laboratory rings, skill of shock ward maxed but no lightning weapon and how can I get it to atleast kill the enemies better?


Staff member
The chests in the Reactor level of the Arc seem to have better drop rates for the end-game items, including the Nanocarbon Scalpel. However, if you're struggling you may need to hunt the main floor a few times.

Equipment in the Ashen Waste areas can help with the Arc. For Rogues, the Black Silk Leggings / Leggings of the Shadows can help. It might be worth grinding the Sunken Citadel until you find a pair of the Shadow Leggings. The Elixirs of Galade you find will help in the arc, too.

Steel Spiders hit with heavy physical attacks so try to take them on one at a time. You might have to lure them out from a room. Elixirs of Galade give a hefty health and armor boost so they are really useful when fighting steel spiders.

Steel Wizards' attacks are pure shock damage so getting your shock resist up will help. The Wiki has a list of all shock resistant armor here. If you kept it, the Tiara of the Heavens has a nice +20 bonus to it. Don't forget to use Shock Resist potions as well. Keep in mind you'll need the anti-rad protection of the Googled Helmet / Anti-Rad hood in the Reactor area. Those floating radiation balls hit hard without them.

Expect to have to make several trips into the arc. You'll slowly find better equipment and build up your supply of medipacks.

As you find Arc equipment, the area will get easier. You'll also start to get the hang of how the enemies attack.

It's the last area of the game, so expect it to be tricky. But stay at it,, you're on the right track.
