I managed to crop a 1.36MB image into a 148KB one
A AnthonyhCAN Member Joined 07/10/2016 Messages 29 Location Freetown, Mercia 13/10/2016 #1 I managed to crop a 1.36MB image into a 148KB one Attachments 20161013_145535.png 186 KB · Views: 418
DavidBVal Developer Staff member Administrator Joined 28/02/2015 Messages 7,585 14/10/2016 #2 What happened exactly, kardagis moved and now blocks the door? Please reload from autosave, I will try to prevent it for next update
What happened exactly, kardagis moved and now blocks the door? Please reload from autosave, I will try to prevent it for next update
Board Troll Well-known member Joined 12/04/2016 Messages 525 14/10/2016 #3 If you pull the rats into the room where she is she will move to attack them and when she stops that's where she is and there is no moving her. It happened to me once but luckily I had a scroll of recall on me.
If you pull the rats into the room where she is she will move to attack them and when she stops that's where she is and there is no moving her. It happened to me once but luckily I had a scroll of recall on me.