Would it be possible to just delete a save? I could only write over it but did not see an option to delete the file.
Regarding stats, it takes a lot to upgrade one stat. I tried upgrading only one stat and the limit was 10. (I am guessing it is because the max value is 15.) Would it be possible to convert trait points to skill points? Ie, 2 trait points for one skill point? With the level cap removed, it seems reasonable for us to invest in skills (ie, some Passive skills I want to get) rather than use a ton of points to upgrade one stat.
Regarding stats, it takes a lot to upgrade one stat. I tried upgrading only one stat and the limit was 10. (I am guessing it is because the max value is 15.) Would it be possible to convert trait points to skill points? Ie, 2 trait points for one skill point? With the level cap removed, it seems reasonable for us to invest in skills (ie, some Passive skills I want to get) rather than use a ton of points to upgrade one stat.