Stats and saves


Would it be possible to just delete a save? I could only write over it but did not see an option to delete the file.

Regarding stats, it takes a lot to upgrade one stat. I tried upgrading only one stat and the limit was 10. (I am guessing it is because the max value is 15.) Would it be possible to convert trait points to skill points? Ie, 2 trait points for one skill point? With the level cap removed, it seems reasonable for us to invest in skills (ie, some Passive skills I want to get) rather than use a ton of points to upgrade one stat.


Staff member
As my phone broke a month ago and I haven't been able to get a new one yet, I'm not 100% sure. I believe that if you choose the little icon folder next to the save the is a delete option at the bottom. As you mentioned, writing over a saved game works just fine.

Stats- it would be interesting to see a stat <-> trait point conversion. It doesn't seem likely that David would ever implement such a system.
* I could see an interesting system to have a cross-class skill training system.
---E.g. I'm playing a mage and want to use a Warrior's Whirlwind skill. It's 1,2,3,3 points for Whirlwind, but for cross-class training it's 2,3,4,4 points. It costs more because it doesn't come naturally and requires a higher 'training' investment. This would open up more options for playstyles.



Staff member
1) Delete a save:
I'm going to punt this question because I've never tried to delete a save file before (overwrite yes, delete no). There's no obvious icon to push so....?

2) Trait and Skill Points:
Yes, it takes an increasing amount of Trait points to raise a trait to higher levels. Broken down nicely on the Wiki: ... itle=Trait
Traits and skills are balanced to allow a wide range of builds without having any one build become super powered (e.g. 20 STR with 2-H Weapon build). Allowing skill and trait points to be swapped or reducing the trait increasing requirement would undermine the difficulty and balance of the game.

With the level cap removed, a player could grind away for as many levels as their nature life span would allow, but the game is designed for beating around Level 20, so levels above mid-20's are over-powered beasts.


theseriousone23":3pm14ixf said:
As my phone broke a month ago and I haven't been able to get a new one yet, I'm not 100% sure. I believe that if you choose the little icon folder next to the save the is a delete option at the bottom. As you mentioned, writing over a saved game works just fine.

Stats- it would be interesting to see a stat <-> trait point conversion. It doesn't seem likely that David would ever implement such a system.
* I could see an interesting system to have a cross-class skill training system.
---E.g. I'm playing a mage and want to use a Warrior's Whirlwind skill. It's 1,2,3,3 points for Whirlwind, but for cross-class training it's 2,3,4,4 points. It costs more because it doesn't come naturally and requires a higher 'training' investment. This would open up more options for playstyles.


Cross-class training would definitely be nice but harder to implement. For one, it would require allowing each character to have a skill menu that comprises of all unlockable skills. The skill to trait system would be easier to implement since I am guessing the formula the game uses to calculate number of trait points is 2*level + # tomes read. To implement the trait system, all there needs to be is an addition of a variable, # trait conversion, and readjustment of trait and skill points formulas (2*level + # tomes read - 2*# trait conversion; 1+ (level-1)*2 + # trait conversion).

Edit: I just thought of how I tend to use my companions. Except for the warrior, I tend to make the others stay off to the side for a damage boost while I tank the damage. That said, for a rogue, I would prefer giving him agility only and a bow and put the rest of points in skills. Trait conversion would help make up for the fact that the companions only get 1 point per level.
Oh. Speaking of companions, I don't get why my inventory space is the same size when I am with a companion. I also don't get why the hired blade level goes down (or why they won't spawn with a bow) whenever I enter dungeons with them. I hired one with one or two levels greater than mine on a couple occasions but they went to at or below my level once I entered a dungeon.
