Second post here. I'm really enjoying this game. So glad to find an RPG of this calibre for my android phone. Reminds me a lot of the excellent writing and gameplay in the Exile games from Spiderweb Software (remade as Avernum).
I struggled early on with the combat difficulty as a mage on normal mode. I can't tell you how many times I died and restarted the Lannegar Mines because I thought it was the only area of my level. Took so long for me to push past those higher foes in the neighbouring areas and really start exploring. Even after finding New Garand and Kingsbridge I spent a lot of time back in the mines
After some 30 hours playing, my only requests would be that the area map (both local and world) show an indicator of creature levels for that area. Either always, when you enter the map, or only representing the level ranges seen in that area. That'd really help exploring and remembering what areas you're safe to go in. Better for newbies dealing with the learning curve at least.
Also, there's a silver holy fire dmg sword called Justice that would have been perfect for clerics, but as it's a sword I'm guessing they don't get the Justice love. Unless that changes, Hirge is just gonna get around with her Ghostbane for most of the time
Thanks for the great game! I hope to make a further donation, soon!
I struggled early on with the combat difficulty as a mage on normal mode. I can't tell you how many times I died and restarted the Lannegar Mines because I thought it was the only area of my level. Took so long for me to push past those higher foes in the neighbouring areas and really start exploring. Even after finding New Garand and Kingsbridge I spent a lot of time back in the mines
After some 30 hours playing, my only requests would be that the area map (both local and world) show an indicator of creature levels for that area. Either always, when you enter the map, or only representing the level ranges seen in that area. That'd really help exploring and remembering what areas you're safe to go in. Better for newbies dealing with the learning curve at least.
Also, there's a silver holy fire dmg sword called Justice that would have been perfect for clerics, but as it's a sword I'm guessing they don't get the Justice love. Unless that changes, Hirge is just gonna get around with her Ghostbane for most of the time
Thanks for the great game! I hope to make a further donation, soon!