Replay Value of Exiled Kingdoms?


I got busy with life and bogged down in knowing what to do next so I left EK for a time...but i dont like to not finish what I start. Been thinking of starting over with a mage and getting wiser about character builds. Overall, my experience has been great. The trial portion of the game is what hooked me to begin with...still haven't beat it though.


Exiled Kingdom simply has the RPG elements I like in a game. I want to explore, I want to grind, I want to level-up, I want to find secrets, and I want a pretty good story in a decent world. I also want a decent user interface.

We have extremely similar tastes here. I usually lean on metroidvanias with leveling & exp gain features such as Castlevania SOTN, Timespinner, Bloodstained ROTN, and so on.

Not sure how many times I've replayed EK. Discovered the game in 2016 when I was off work for two weeks after a motorcycle accident. Never found another game so appropriately straight forward. There's a few that come close, or do it in their own way for sure.

What really sets this game apart for me is that there's no true shortcuts. You can go grind minotaurs, but you still gotta work for it. Anyone who's played knows what I mean.

Gaining a level actually feels like an event, especially after level 10. It does a really dang good job of making sure there's always something that can kick your <expletive>, like the Arena or something.

I would say Morrowind kind of pulls this off in a lot of ways with the exploration factor. Some special weapons & armors are only found by putting some boots on and flying around. But unlike EK, I think it's easier to cheese your way to overpowered if you know what you're doing.

But that too - in EK there's some gear you can finagle a little early if you know how to prepare for it. But even when you get it, you're not really overpowered. Just a little enhanced, I'd say.

Yeah there's only a handful of games in my library that I find myself revisiting often. EK is definitely one of them.

Also this may be more of a niche appreciation, but EK doesn't have a lot of flashing graphics. So it's one of the few games I can enjoy if I'm having a migraine and need to take my mind off it. Other games are just spazzy flashing lights (or they feel that way when your deep into a migraine headache).


I bought it back in 2019 and thought it was a decent game to try. But as time went on I grew amazed to its depth and complexity. The demo is what got me to buy it. No set path was intriguing. I got lost and dis-interested for a time but have come back to consistently play. Having different classes and a wealth of diverse access points for them is interesting.
Replay value: 4.5 out of 5 stars ( if we are rating by stars) due to once you've encountered everything the only surprises are how the different classes handle the same quests/ plot developments.
The price: overwhelmingly UNDER priced. This is easily as epic as a "Legend of Zelda" game which I grew up playing many of them. So really I rate this between worth $40 to $60...but its priced as cheap as a cup of coffee. The developer deserves to be paid for his work. I do wonder... does donating encourage further content updates?


Staff member
I do wonder... does donating encourage further content updates?
Possibly, as we got new expansion after a long time. So, it's not completely out of question.

After all, if you're really satisfied, why not to say thank you through donation or two?


New member
I just tried to fight kalagru at level 24 warrior with all ashen armor, soul cleaver, elixirs of galade, etc, and now I'm thinking that I should have been a cleric lmao...

so I started a cleric. I had no idea that replaying the game as another class could be so much fun. if I get to kalagru at 24 with the cleric and beat him, which I probably freaking won't because he deuces me and hirge immediately, I would just keep replaying as a cleric lol


I just tried to fight kalagru at level 24 warrior with all ashen armor, soul cleaver, elixirs of galade, etc, and now I'm thinking that I should have been a cleric lmao...

so I started a cleric. I had no idea that replaying the game as another class could be so much fun. if I get to kalagru at 24 with the cleric and beat him, which I probably freaking won't because he deuces me and hirge immediately, I would just keep replaying as a cleric lol

Were you trying to under-equipped for some reason? Were you cosplaying as a Minotaur? :cool:

For starters, Soul Cleaver is so weak it doesn't even get a listing on the high-class Hand weapons (and nor does it deserve a spot, the ommission is not accidental). So what's better? Kalagru, being a demon has elemental resistances to lots of things (Death, Toxic, Spirit, Cold being the least) so OK a weapon with one of those four elements (and definitely not a Fire weapon, that heals him!) but he also has high armour. In this case a purely physical weapon might be better. Being a Demon he's also an Outsider so Banishing is a desirable attribute. This gives an optimal Hand weapon choice of Adamantite Longsword, and there is an earlier & lesser cousin in Righteousness. If you insist upon a Death weapon for RPG purpose, then Midnight would be the superior choice.

And if you insist upon Starmetal for RPG purposes that can bring us to another weapon selection consideration: two-handed weapons (they tend to break through armour better than Hand or Light). So in Starmetal that would be Greataxe of Falling Stars or the (slightly) superior Soul Drinker; but again if you're going 2-Handed then Adamantite Greatsword is the stone-cold Kalagru Killer: purely physical damage with Banishing 5.

As for Elixir of Galade, it heals 120 hit points; but a Restoration potion recovers HALF your missing HP (and Mana). You manage it right and it'll vastly out-heal the Elixir.

Finally you might want to take Hirge off battle duties and stash her back a bit, let her spam Heal on top of you chugging Restoration potions.


I plan on getting buff enough to become the scoundrel of the kingdoms and go on a massive quest to wipe out the four kingdoms. What enemy gives the most xp? The Dark Peesence is the highest as a common enemy right? I'll just need to take over Orogg I guess...

Trace Da Cruz

Well-known member
Chihuahua, Mexico.
(and definitely not a Fire weapon, that heals him!)
Oh!!! My cleric!!!
In a personal experience, I struggled a lot against Kalagru, and my original warrior is a level 27, Infantry warrior in casual (lame) difficulty, so my safest bet was Midnight, and the Ancient Blade of the Deer, also tried to slow him, and needed to buy more scrolls, He usually would hit Hirge before me.

I noticed I had a lot in common with this demon (same build, not laziness), and beating him was hard, since I wasn't able to pull my strategy, it took me several attempts.
I plan on getting buff enough to become the scoundrel of the kingdoms and go on a massive quest to wipe out the four kingdoms. What enemy gives the most xp? The Dark Peesence is the highest as a common enemy right? I'll just need to take over Orogg I guess...
Orogg, the Ursan King, some other kings, and the ark, you are going to need some reputation with varannari (to beat the three remaining witches), and not being able to access Icemist, the sewers are going to be missed.
Galway, Ireland
Exiled Kingdoms has significant replayability, unfortunately at the time, back around 2017 or 18, I pawned my tablet and forgot to take the SD card out so the gaming activity was lost. Sent somebody back down there sometime ago, but they went out of business. Anyway, in those days I didn't do much screen recording because i had budget tabets with low memory. Rencounter has strong, virtually unlimited replayability (2016 version) yet is quite difficult if you're in to tactical turn-based medieval combat.



Just here to play again for an atheist arcane knight build who fights against those evil religions in Varannar! Not just religious people, but also demons of hell. For all religious doctrines do nothing to provoke people AND undead to fight, kill, enforce. Wish you would fight lvl99 gods with enough grinding but ah whatever here you die priest scum!
