To combat the endgame behaviour of never looting anything while grinding experience I'd like to suggest the addition of unique, powerfull items that can drop anywhere (but most likely won't).
The idea of a rare drop being able to happen at any time is what keeps people engaged in games like Diablo and in my opinion it could be a cool addition to the game. I'd even go as far as to say they shouldn't have any level or mob restrictions, just be very rare and provide some unique effect.
You might reach level 20, never getting one to drop or you might find one on your very first goblin kill, just to get it stolen by Adaon, never to be seen again
There really should be something to make looting exciting and unpredictable.
By unique effects I mean stuff that isn't available on your regular gear, eg Armor penetration, Increased critical strike chance, Life/ Mana gained on kill/ hit, Added damage on armor pieces, Thorns...
The unique effect might come at the price of missing standard stats, the items should still feel powerfull though. Percentage values could ensure them being balanced and valuable over the entire game.
The idea of a rare drop being able to happen at any time is what keeps people engaged in games like Diablo and in my opinion it could be a cool addition to the game. I'd even go as far as to say they shouldn't have any level or mob restrictions, just be very rare and provide some unique effect.
You might reach level 20, never getting one to drop or you might find one on your very first goblin kill, just to get it stolen by Adaon, never to be seen again
There really should be something to make looting exciting and unpredictable.
By unique effects I mean stuff that isn't available on your regular gear, eg Armor penetration, Increased critical strike chance, Life/ Mana gained on kill/ hit, Added damage on armor pieces, Thorns...
The unique effect might come at the price of missing standard stats, the items should still feel powerfull though. Percentage values could ensure them being balanced and valuable over the entire game.