QUESTION: what's the real Death resist required for Broken Crown of TOL?


Staff member
210 resistance will give 100% resistance to everything before rounding. However, as stated in the Wiki, resistance calculations are rounded down. So once damage is down to less than 1 dmg, it's rounded down to zero.

So here's the math:

Crown Does 12 Death damage (per wiki)
178 resistance = 110 + 68 (raw resistance score)
178 resistance = 75% +68(.25%) (converting to percentage, using the game's mechanics)
178 resistance = 75% + 17% (just math)
178 resistance = 92% (just math)

So, 12 death damage x .92 = 11.04
So, 11.04 damage is reduced, leaving under 1 point of dmg, which is rounded to zero.

For attacks that are much higher, it will take closer to 210 resistance to get true zero.


This mean that it is possible to endure and actually use the crown of Tol?

You need 178

Warrior/Rogue 194

  • 12 Nivarian Cloak
  • 25 Anointed Curias
  • 9 Tolassian Boots
  • 9 Goggled Helmet
  • 8 Tolassian Gauntlets
  • 9 Tolassian Leggings
  • 15 Blessed Necklace or Purple Medallion
  • 40 Greater Ring of Death Ward
  • 30 Ring of Unlife
  • 12 Petrified Wood Buckler
  • 36 Death Ward

Clerics 200

  • as Warriors/Rogues but:
  • + 6 swap to Sandals of the Saint

Mages 184

  • as Clerics but:
  • - 15 swap to Undermother's Hide
  • - 8 lose Gauntlets
  • - 9 lose Leggings
  • - 12 lose Petrified Wood Bucker
  • + 28 gain Greater Black Orb

These are maximised equipment builds, not maximised builds. Factor in 5 full points per point of Personality which will be significant for Clerics and Mages. After that swap out lesser kit for better kit.
