I tested this a little bit and I am confused...
For example, I found two traps in the Minotaur Maze
Adaon detected a spikes trap (8) 53%
I detected a spikes trap (9) 22%
What do I need the percentages for, I already discovered them??
I disarmed both...
Spikes trap (8) 30% and success
Spikes trap (9) 25% and success
I am lvl 13 with 5% base percentage
Adaon is lvl 11 with 40% base percentage
According to your information there should be 3%/lvl advantage/disadvantage dependent on the trap level
That means I should have a 20% chance on the lvl 8 trap and a 17% chance on the lvl 9 trap. Neither is the case. It looks like 5%/level?
What does worry me more, is: shouldn't Adaon count for this? It should be 49%/46% for him then. (or 55%/50% if it's 5%/lvl)
I ask, because I was thinking about leveling disarming for Adaon but it seems like his skill is not used?