Will exiled kingdoms play online?
F Flickering New member Joined 16/09/2017 Messages 14 23/09/2017 #1 Will exiled kingdoms play online? Upvote 0 Downvote
Sounkeng Well-known member Joined 07/11/2016 Messages 578 23/09/2017 #2 David has discussed, and shared his plans here:http://www.exiledkingdoms.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=13926 Multiplayer is planned, although there are other priorities that David will be working on first.
David has discussed, and shared his plans here:http://www.exiledkingdoms.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=13926 Multiplayer is planned, although there are other priorities that David will be working on first.
DavidBVal Developer Staff member Administrator Joined 28/02/2015 Messages 7,584 23/09/2017 #3 Moved to feedback.