The new dungeon located at Icemist is almost impossible to finish. You can't make any mistake otherwise you are punished and need to start all over again. The Paralyzed effect is waaay too strong. Even having 100+ res in holy is not providing you full defence against it. My build is concentrated around defence and still I'm getting reck if the Lord gets me. 10 seconds of being paralyzed? This game is a hackaslash game where all fights last like 5 seconds (exepct for the bosses but this effect can be cast on us even from other Devourers). It can even stack! What the heck, how the hell can you defense yourself in other way then running around the room trying not to get hit and try to hit back? Plus the mobs are respawing constantly. Okay, but each fight with devourer might as well finish your 1-2h hours of effort. I'm 22 defence warrior still having issues to even go further.
Don't you think that this is waaay too powerful? At least give it 5 sec plus it should not stack. It is ruining all the fun. No matter how good you are, one mistake, one hit and you are done. This is not Dark Souls where your reflex matters, here we've got an RPG where the items, the builds aare defining how good you are, not the ability to dogde.
Fighting devourers is a nightmare. Game is disgned to hard, but this is just not fair.
Don't you think that this is waaay too powerful? At least give it 5 sec plus it should not stack. It is ruining all the fun. No matter how good you are, one mistake, one hit and you are done. This is not Dark Souls where your reflex matters, here we've got an RPG where the items, the builds aare defining how good you are, not the ability to dogde.
Fighting devourers is a nightmare. Game is disgned to hard, but this is just not fair.