Paralyzed effect - devourers


The new dungeon located at Icemist is almost impossible to finish. You can't make any mistake otherwise you are punished and need to start all over again. The Paralyzed effect is waaay too strong. Even having 100+ res in holy is not providing you full defence against it. My build is concentrated around defence and still I'm getting reck if the Lord gets me. 10 seconds of being paralyzed? This game is a hackaslash game where all fights last like 5 seconds (exepct for the bosses but this effect can be cast on us even from other Devourers). It can even stack! What the heck, how the hell can you defense yourself in other way then running around the room trying not to get hit and try to hit back? Plus the mobs are respawing constantly. Okay, but each fight with devourer might as well finish your 1-2h hours of effort. I'm 22 defence warrior still having issues to even go further.
Don't you think that this is waaay too powerful? At least give it 5 sec plus it should not stack. It is ruining all the fun. No matter how good you are, one mistake, one hit and you are done. This is not Dark Souls where your reflex matters, here we've got an RPG where the items, the builds aare defining how good you are, not the ability to dogde.
Fighting devourers is a nightmare. Game is disgned to hard, but this is just not fair.


Staff member
lucekek":3lvdn87t said:
The new dungeon located at Icemist is almost impossible to finish. You can't make any mistake otherwise you are punished and need to start all over again. The Paralyzed effect is waaay too strong. Even having 100+ res in holy is not providing you full defence against it. My build is concentrated around defence and still I'm getting reck if the Lord gets me. 10 seconds of being paralyzed? This game is a hackaslash game where all fights last like 5 seconds (exepct for the bosses but this effect can be cast on us even from other Devourers). It can even stack! What the heck, how the hell can you defense yourself in other way then running around the room trying not to get hit and try to hit back? Plus the mobs are respawing constantly. Okay, but each fight with devourer might as well finish your 1-2h hours of effort. I'm 22 defence warrior still having issues to even go further.
Don't you think that this is waaay too powerful? At least give it 5 sec plus it should not stack. It is ruining all the fun. No matter how good you are, one mistake, one hit and you are done. This is not Dark Souls where your reflex matters, here we've got an RPG where the items, the builds aare defining how good you are, not the ability to dogde.
Fighting devourers is a nightmare. Game is disgned to hard, but this is just not fair.

Sewer of Horrors is a challenge meant for people that has done everything else and want to suffer. You have seen nothing yet :p

But seriously, pick one solution of your liking:

-1 point in Battle Rage to break paralysis.
-Infantry training to reduce paralysis time. They won't kill you too fast, their DPS isn't too big.
-Potion of Invis, bypass them.
-Potions of Clarity + Spirit Ward + Gear taking you over 100 res.
-they only have 140hp, kill them fast.

I don't think this is more "unfair" than the first time you meet Firedancer Itharrak at level 3 or lady Xidar at level 9, tbh.


Staff member
lucekek":3id0x1a5 said:
The new dungeon located at Icemist is almost impossible to finish... this is just not fair.
There needs to be a support group for the victims of the Sewer of Horrors.... The sewer is designed to be the hardest part of the game, even harder than the Arc. It's long, hard, and filled with enemies that will stress any build.

But, once you figure out a tactic that works, you'll find the Devours aren't too bad. You might get really good at peeling one or two off at a time.

In addition to the suggestions made above, low level summons can be useful (those unused summon wolf scrolls every one's been storing). Let the summons take a few hits (about all it will take), giving you enough time to kill the Devours before they can attack you.

Keep in the mind, the Sewers of Horror is designed to be insane. In-game hints it took a brigade of battle mages just to keep things in check should hint on how crazy it's in there.


Staff member
The video shows a well designed build. Good pairing of a solid 1-H warrior with a healing Hirge. Good skill point allotment. Nice to see they put the free skill point to immediate use :)

In addition to a solid build, the video shows good combat tactics.


Well-known member
I found Sewer of Horrors to be challenging, but I still think that the Ark is harder; primarily because of the exploding Steel Spiders (even with a decent hit and run tactic, they still catch me sometimes). Then again, I'm using a lvl 26 mixed ranged/melee Rogue build, have top gear for everything, and use Evasion to avoid getting hit whenever they get close enough for melee. I'm using Hirge as companion for her healing and that cuts down the amount of potions I need to use considerably, but even then I think I went from about 80 Elixirs of Galade down to about 30 before all was said and done. I am doubtful that my Warrior will have as easy a time as the Rogue. My Cleric is nowhere near high enough level to even think about it (lvl 17) and Mage just hit lvl 13, so it'll be a while before I can make a comparison.


Paralysis have really never been a problem for me, just let your companion charge in first and get paralyzed. After that kill it fast, before the paralyze cooldown is over.

Exploding enemies though.. I have died so many times against them, mostly because I am thinking of something else instead of running away.
(Always hilarious though).

Will try an iron man challenge this week, will be very interesting to see how far I will get but if I die against a zealot... well I will be the first one to laugh.
