Paralysis is really overpowered right now. Even with half-duration, a 5 second stun in such a delicate game is far too long to be immobile.
Especially considering that paralysis effects bypass evasion (they shouldn't) and can be reapplied before the first expires (this is totally absurd), I don't feel accomplished after beating a boss that uses paralysis.
Are there plans to change these things? I honestly think putting all three changes into effect would still make paralysis extremely strong (no bypassing evasion, 5s full/2.5 half duration, no reapplication).
Especially considering that paralysis effects bypass evasion (they shouldn't) and can be reapplied before the first expires (this is totally absurd), I don't feel accomplished after beating a boss that uses paralysis.
Are there plans to change these things? I honestly think putting all three changes into effect would still make paralysis extremely strong (no bypassing evasion, 5s full/2.5 half duration, no reapplication).