I have a level 20 rogue, and have completed all of the quests except for getting the black shards at this point. I have the shards from all of the bosses that had them, and from the hidden room in one of the dungeons (I have 7, need 5 more), but have now gone from just starting level 19 and a good bit into level 20 doing rumor bosses almost exclusively. This takes forever since I have to run all over the map to get a rumor and details to find them. I've killed an untold number of dragons, powerful skeletons, manticores, giant ogres, etc... and have not yet gotten one black shard from them. The drop rate for shards for me is 0% for some reason apparently.
I've gotten rumors from every city, killed the rumor bosses all over the world, and even added occasional town hall quests to break it up, just in case I was doing too many of them.
Help? What am I doing wrong???? I'm beyond frustrated at this point.