Newbie help part 2 - Hirge

past caring

I'm back for more assistance following this post.

I've just got Hirge as a companion and have completed Three versus Eleven. Whilst she's probably going to be my third choice for a lot of stuff, I can also see she's going to be useful/needed for some, what build for her? I suppose one reason I'm having to ask is that I'm like most I'm going with Grissenda as main companion, so there's less on Hirge to be found.

I've also just done Restoring the Faith so Hirge is now level 10 with;

Str -2
End - 1
Agi - 1
Int - 1
Awa - 0
Per - 3

Cleric Skills
Heal wonds - II
Crusader - I
Nivaria's Barrier - I

No general or advanced skills, but she has 3 unspent trait points and 5 unspent skill points - AND I can afford a reset if need be. So - how to go?

As a related question I (rogue) am now;

Str - 2
End - 4 (base 3 - extra point is Oasis Ring)
Agi - 4
Int - 1
Awa - 3
Per - 1

Rogue Skills
Stab - IV
Stealth - II
Evasion - II

Dungeons - I

Precision Strikes - II
Assassinate - II
Death Ward - I

I have 2 unspent Trait points so could up my Personality to 2 which in turn would allow me to buy Spiritual Ward from Sister Mada in the New Garand Temple - worth it or not?

Thanks in advance....

Don Desini

past caring":mxvh6inn said:
I'm back for more assistance following this post.

I've just got Hirge as a companion and have completed Three versus Eleven. Whilst she's probably going to be my third choice for a lot of stuff, I can also see she's going to be useful/needed for some, what build for her? I suppose one reason I'm having to ask is that I'm like most I'm going with Grissenda as main companion, so there's less on Hirge to be found.

I've also just done Restoring the Faith so Hirge is now level 10 with;

Str -2
End - 1
Agi - 1
Int - 1
Awa - 0
Per - 3

Cleric Skills
Heal wonds - II
Crusader - I
Nivaria's Barrier - I

No general or advanced skills, but she has 3 unspent trait points and 5 unspent skill points - AND I can afford a reset if need be. So - how to go?

As a related question I (rogue) am now;

Str - 2
End - 4 (base 3 - extra point is Oasis Ring)
Agi - 4
Int - 1
Awa - 3
Per - 1

Rogue Skills
Stab - IV
Stealth - II
Evasion - II

Dungeons - I

Precision Strikes - II
Assassinate - II
Death Ward - I

I have 2 unspent Trait points so could up my Personality to 2 which in turn would allow me to buy Spiritual Ward from Sister Mada in the New Garand Temple - worth it or not?

Thanks in advance....

I personally like Hirge as a 2 handed warrior, you'll just have to see what works best for you. Don't be scared to reroll her and play around with her traits and stats. Find what compliments your character best. I think you will find though, that as you progress in levels, your companion choice will change as your Character evolves. That's how it worked for me. In the beginning I needed Grissenda and her strength to help me gain levels and complete quests. Adaon helped me out through the middle. And now that I'm at a higher level,I prefer Hirge and her healing powers.

Small word of advice: Don't be cheap or hold out on your companion. Equip them well,they may just save your life. Also I suggest checking the "companion builds" thread. You may find a build that you would like to replicate yourself.


Well-known member
In addition to what Don said... I would probably hold off on spending attribute points and save up... But it's a flavor thing... How do you see your rogue? Is he a smooth talker who is less resistant to being stunned? Or is he a more slight of hand quick guy?

Play around with different options. Later if you think you made a mistake sign up to Beta test and when a new update is being tested (usually about once a month) the cost to reset skills is set to 1 gold.

Don Desini

Sounkeng":2w63q4c5 said:
In addition to what Don said... I would probably hold off on spending attribute points and save up... But it's a flavor thing... How do you see your rogue? Is he a smooth talker who is less resistant to being stunned? Or is he a more slight of hand quick guy?

Play around with different options. Later if you think you made a mistake sign up to Beta test and when a new update is being tested (usually about once a month) the cost to reset skills is set to 1 gold.

I'm going to add this to what Sounkeng said; when you think the price for resetting is too much,especially when it keeps costing more each time. Just remember that you killed and looted for the money. It wasn't yours to start with.

past caring

My attitude to money in the game is probably close to what it is in real life - it may not have been mine to start with but having worked for it, it's now mine.

That said, it brings me little pleasure and achieves even less when sitting in the bank - if it can be spent usefully, I'm happy to part with it. :mrgreen:

Don Desini

past caring":bzpw9ncx said:
My attitude to money in the game is probably close to what it is in real life - it may not have been mine to start with but having worked for it, it's now mine.

That said, it brings me little pleasure and achieves even less when sitting in the bank - if it can be spent usefully, I'm happy to part with it. :mrgreen:

I neglected to mention that saving directly after a reset will allow you to re load your game if you are not happy with the stats of your new point distribution without the added cost of resetting again.

past caring

Maybe I'm being a bit thick here (wouldn't be the first time) but wouldn't saving after the reset mean the damage was done? Wouldn't you have to save before to give yourself a second bite at the cherry?


Well-known member
past caring":2w0hckxl said:
Maybe I'm being a bit thick here (wouldn't be the first time) but wouldn't saving after the reset mean the damage was done? Wouldn't you have to save before to give yourself a second bite at the cherry?

If you knew you wanted to cha be them... But weren't sure what you wanted to change them to than saving after would work well... But generally, saving before is probably better?

Don Desini

past caring":3065cm27 said:
Maybe I'm being a bit thick here (wouldn't be the first time) but wouldn't saving after the reset mean the damage was done? Wouldn't you have to save before to give yourself a second bite at the cherry?

I may not be explaining myself clearly. I just take a screen shot of my stats in case I don't like the changes made. You most certainly could create a separate save file before you reset. I just save After the reset,but before I assign points again. It makes it so I can start over if I don't like the new configuration. Hope that clears it up.
