First, an intro. Like many of you, I'm an old school gamer. I grew up gaming on an Odyssey2, Atari 2600, Vic20 & C64, and most of all, PC from the mid 80s on. I first installed EK android, then saw that there was a PC version and so installed that via Steam. I paid for the PC version up front but after being killed so many times in game, I hesitated but eventually purchase the android version as well.
Even on casual difficulty, I found myself basically getting annihilated with all my rogue builds, so I began using a warrior build because of the higher HP. This helped, but I had to chose a shield build warrior, otherwise I'd get pummeled by arrows from orcs & what not as a 2-handed build.
I really like a rogue build since I enjoy searching out treasures and secret doors as well as the "enhanced" conversation options available to characters with higher personality (I speak of RPGs in general). Also, So I'm looking for a very tough character build with good archery skills (or at least archery defense) and high DPS. I also like to have as many armors and weapons at my disposal. I'm having
Call me a wimp, but I just don't like grinding the same dungeon over and over. I like playing on casual because I play games to relax from my harried life. Years ago I was really into all the various build details and progressions, but now I'm looking for a good, simple but tough build where I can kick back and enjoy EK at my leisure (which isn't much).
Thanks ahead of time for all your input guys & gals.
Even on casual difficulty, I found myself basically getting annihilated with all my rogue builds, so I began using a warrior build because of the higher HP. This helped, but I had to chose a shield build warrior, otherwise I'd get pummeled by arrows from orcs & what not as a 2-handed build.
I really like a rogue build since I enjoy searching out treasures and secret doors as well as the "enhanced" conversation options available to characters with higher personality (I speak of RPGs in general). Also, So I'm looking for a very tough character build with good archery skills (or at least archery defense) and high DPS. I also like to have as many armors and weapons at my disposal. I'm having
Call me a wimp, but I just don't like grinding the same dungeon over and over. I like playing on casual because I play games to relax from my harried life. Years ago I was really into all the various build details and progressions, but now I'm looking for a good, simple but tough build where I can kick back and enjoy EK at my leisure (which isn't much).
Thanks ahead of time for all your input guys & gals.