Newbie build: Warrior with Rogue skills


New member
First, an intro. Like many of you, I'm an old school gamer. I grew up gaming on an Odyssey2, Atari 2600, Vic20 & C64, and most of all, PC from the mid 80s on. I first installed EK android, then saw that there was a PC version and so installed that via Steam. I paid for the PC version up front but after being killed so many times in game, I hesitated but eventually purchase the android version as well.

Even on casual difficulty, I found myself basically getting annihilated with all my rogue builds, so I began using a warrior build because of the higher HP. This helped, but I had to chose a shield build warrior, otherwise I'd get pummeled by arrows from orcs & what not as a 2-handed build.

I really like a rogue build since I enjoy searching out treasures and secret doors as well as the "enhanced" conversation options available to characters with higher personality (I speak of RPGs in general). Also, So I'm looking for a very tough character build with good archery skills (or at least archery defense) and high DPS. I also like to have as many armors and weapons at my disposal. I'm having

Call me a wimp, but I just don't like grinding the same dungeon over and over. I like playing on casual because I play games to relax from my harried life. Years ago I was really into all the various build details and progressions, but now I'm looking for a good, simple but tough build where I can kick back and enjoy EK at my leisure (which isn't much).

Thanks ahead of time for all your input guys & gals. :)


Firstly: if you really want to focus on archery, Rogues are the best option for it. Some of their skills are more archery based whereas the other classes are mostly melee based, plus archery is mainly affected by the Agility trait, and roguess mostly focus on agility over other traits so the bonus armor can help compensate for the low health and poor armor selection.

Second: archers and other ranged enemies are extremely OP in this game. The projectiles pretty much ignore armor completely so the best way to deal with ranged enemies is to kill them first before other enemies (if you can) or try to lure them to a place where you have an advantage, like running around a corner and waiting to ambush them so they don't have much time to shoot at you. Rogues are also good for this because their Evasion skill can allow them to avoid taking damage while they get close enough to attack back.

Third: you're going to have to get used to grinding....despite what others will surely tell you, it's impossible to play this game without grinding at some point. There are just too many enemies in every dungeon and the game allows you to start (some) quests long before you could ever possibly hope to complete them so yeah...get used to grinding. I recently discovered a great way for low level characters to grind without it being too tedious. Here's a link to the post I made about it:

Mod note: Fixed URL.

Grim Rapper

Well-known member
CoolCat":3isqh7t6 said: I'm looking for a good, simple but tough build where I can kick back and enjoy EK at my leisure (which isn't much).

I mean, you can build your Rogue Archer skills when also build your companion's Sturdy Meat Shields Warrior skill collectively (in terms of exp. points) with Grissenda or vice versa with Adaon, because those two can be recruited pretty early in the game


Staff member
RPGamer":177s8ikj said:
... you're going to have to get used to grinding....

It's possible to make it to the Arc without any grinding or running more than a few Town Hall Quests (for the required rep). There's just so much content that you really do level up a lot just by plugging away on the quests.

The challenge is sometimes the world is just so big, you end up working on a quest that's a little too hard when there's a doable quest a map over. Or you spend a lot of time farming for a lucky drop.

Also, because enemies scale with you, just because you go up a few levels, doesn't mean you'll be any stronger compared to the enemies.


Staff member
CoolCat":3fx09god said:
...I'd get pummeled by arrows from orcs & what not as a 2-handed build.
Arrows and traps are the bane of a 2-H warrior, esp in the early game. Both can cause you serious grief until you HP is insanely high.

ARROWS: Either attack the archers first (Charge can be useful to get to them), or lure enemies to you. For example, when dealing with orcs, getting the melee ones to come to you lets you fight them out of range of their archers. Also, triggering the archers, than ducking behind a corner will get the archers to come to you. Luring enemies in a dungeon to make groups smaller is a key part of tactics in this game. Having a bow with you as a warrior can help. Equip the bow (quick slot makes it quick), hit one enemy with the range attack, re-equip your main weapons, run back a little and when the enemy chases you, you fight him, rinse and repeat. Using corners in the process helps too. Also, if you have an Companion, tell them to fight enemies that are near them so they don't run off the screen triggering all the enemies.

TRAPS: As discussed on here a lot, you get a feel to where there's going to be traps. Moving slow (to get a few more passive trap checks in), using equipment that has the detection attribute, using the occasional detection scroll, and using the same route in as out (so you don't have to clear more than one path through the mine field). Also, tossing some points to INT and AWA will help detect traps, AGL will help you dodge them.


Active member
For warrior your warrior you should focus on endurance first so he can take a hit so end 4 or 5 should be fine then strength so you give a hit same thing 4 or 5 and agility 2 or 3 would be fine the rest is your choice doesnt matter really
As for skills if you wanted a 2 handed warrior get the 2 handed expert if you wanted a sheild then sheilded expert whirlwind and cleave and armor and bash and charge and fury and get "get body develpoment as soon as you can are ur friends in both cases 2 handed or 1 handed warrior so max them as soon as you can but pic then first id say go for whirlwind and armor first they are easy to use
Then get fure then cleave for better damage then get any skill you want by then you should know how the strategy for warrior works
As for rogue warrior i am bit and expert but id say end 5 and agility 6 awareness 4 get armor skill and fury skills the rest is optional i think never liked tge idea of rogue warrior but if wanted to hit from far get the mage character upgrade staff or wand mastery intellegence 5 end 4 agility 4 thunder bolt and mana pool and the rest is optional just maje sure you dont go ahead of the story to ur level explore the world instead of crawling it and you will get the xp you need
Now if you specifically wanted archer get rogue agility 5 endurance 5 archery mastery and the dodge skill should be enough for your archer
