New Content Question


My understanding is that the main story line of the game was designed to be completed by level 20. Does that mean that the newer content like Sewer of Horrors and the quests from the latest update in v1.1092 and upcoming stuff for v1.2 is intended to be completed after The Ark? I know we can do things in any order we want/enjoy, but wondering what would make more sense difficulty-wise during progression.

I noticed that the Quest List has SoH listed before The Ark, and I feel that The Ark at lvl 23 would be too easy? Also, SoH is listed in between Where is Amarissa and The Ark, which doesn't make sense at all since the latter 2 are completed together.

Thoughts? Preferences? Does anyone know how David intended it while designing these parts? I'd like to experience the game as close to how it was intended to be completed as possible, but also to hear people's own opinions on this.


Staff member
It depends on your path.

If you choose the evil ending, you have to finish SoH before Ark.

I think that it doesn't make much sense to separate Ark and SoH. I mix both, get equipment at Ark, then finishing SoH (trait and skill points) before going to the upper deck.


Staff member
User made quests list are highly subjective, and while some have a reasonable order to them, a few user quest lists were made by people who never actually played the game. Just be cautions about using any quest list as final authority.

The Developer has done a pretty good job of indicating the level range of new content as its been added. Because the game is an open world format, there's a huge variance in quest order based on where the player chooses to explore first. On top of all that, difference classes and different builds have different challenges. For example, an undead focused Cleric might find undead areas a lot easier at lower levels than a warrior. In turn, a warrior might find orc areas easier than a cleric.

As for the Sewer of Horrors, that was added with the intent to be taken on after the Arc. It's a long, hard, marathon dungeon. When it was added, it was several degrees harder than any other place in the game. A lot of players who could walk right through the Arc, struggled in the Sewer of Horrors.

On a last note, keep in mind that as more equipment, more skills and more areas have gotten added to the game, the real-world difficulty has dropped a bit. Long term players may remember when killing the Unweakened Undermother was the only way to get a +5 armor, and that was when there was no stun immunity items or skills.


Staff member
Owns":3k14kuw1 said:
My understanding is that the main story line of the game was designed to be completed by level 20.

Just for clarity, AROUND Level 20 is the better phrasing. Some players will beat the game a little lower, some a little higher. Depending on difficulty, class, build, desired outcome etc, beating it "BY level 20" might not be a realistic goal for a lot of players.


Staff member
My own gauge of the end-game balance is:

-Reaching Sunken Citadel around level 19-20
-Reaching Ark around level 20-21
-Completing Ark around level 22
-SoH is designed as a challenge for post-Ark characters.
-update 1.1.1092 and the one currently being developed are meant for characters level 13-18 approximately. Some optional fights can be tougher.

Of course this is a mere estimation. So many factors influence the challenge beyond what I put into the encounters... things like class and build, or player skill.
