That's a CLASS difference more than a BUILD difference. While warrior and rouge builds vary, in general rouges will have a deadly single attack (stab) or even a higher DPS (fast weapons give more hits) and warriors will have higher defense, higher DPH, more hit points and the ability to take on multiple targets through Cleave, Whirlwind, Charge etc.
And beware the DPS trap. The game measures possible damage, not actual damage after enemy defense is taken into consideration. High DPS with low DPH against a high defense opponent makes for a lot of fast, but very weak hits. That's one of the reasons elemental weapons are so effective for light weapon users as sometimes against tougher enemies, the elemental damage is unblocked and does a lot more than the physical hit.
There's some pretty insane rouge builds with extreme DPS with Stab active that can't survive a room full of monsters that is a breeze for a warrior. So while Stab is a great skill for Rouges (and Flurry is great all around, all classes can get it), those two skills don't make a build too powerful by themselves.