Most eficient Rogue build?

A Shady Traveler

My Rogue is now lv8
Stab MAX
Evasion MAX
15 skill points spent, 0 left

From now on, until lv 20, i will have 24 skill points to max 4 more skills (6 points each) and i see 5 possible paths

Assassin: Assassinate, Flurry, Poison Master
Ninja: Stealth, Smoke Bomb, Sneak Attack, Sprint
Archer: Archery, Rapid Fire, Precision Shots, Kick
Trapmaster: Trapmaster, Explosive Traps
Warrior: Bloodlust, Body Development (since im in rogue guild, i cant learn heavyhand that requires warrior guild membership)

I am very inclinated in maxing Flurry + 3 more skills, but wich path would be more efficient? Does Assassinate Skill really worth it? Explosive Traps seem to do lot of damage, is it true?


New member
My suggestion would be to get Assassinate and the two critical skills at the very least.

I've found that the lucky crits (and the 50% chance to kill things two levels below you) come in very handy due to lower base damage as a rogue when fighting enemies with good armor.

Lastly the thing that I always pick on any warrior or rogue build is the two extra heals, which will help a lot as you don't have to rely on potions as much or continually run/scroll back to inns.

Quick edit: It's also a very real possibility to not max every skill and just use them at level 2 as there are diminishing returns on the gain per skill point but for some skills this is ill-advised.

A Shady Traveler

Schavuyt":2erdgrd8 said:
My suggestion would be to get Assassinate and the two critical skills at the very least.

I've found that the lucky crits (and the 50% chance to kill things two levels below you) come in very handy due to lower base damage as a rogue when fighting enemies with good armor.

Lastly the thing that I always pick on any warrior or rogue build is the two extra heals, which will help a lot as you don't have to rely on potions as much or continually run/scroll back to inns.

Quick edit: It's also a very real possibility to not max every skill and just use them at level 2 as there are diminishing returns on the gain per skill point but for some skills this is ill-advised.

I dont like spending in recovery because its not possible to recover during fights or near enemies. So i prefer Hirge as my companion.
Since i rely on my companion, i also have doubts in spending points in stealth skills.


Staff member
Note: Re-posted after someone--who shall remain nameless--deleted it when they tried to quote it. May the Invisible Swamp Donkey eat your oats while you sleep. :)

"Efficient" is an awkward word in this game because of the large impact player choice and play style has on each build. That being said, I suggest you invest in the follow:

Combat: 12 points
Massive Critical II: Crits can do 250% of max weapon damage, 25% to kill weaker foes.
Flurry II: 50% increase in attack speed for 6 seconds
Duel II: Extra damage in longer fights (+2 per hit until +6)
Assassinate II: Pairs well with maxed stab. Helps in mob fights.

It takes 3 skill points to get each of the above skills to Level II, 1 point for the first level, 2 points for the second level. By avoiding a Level III skill, you save skill points to use on another skill. I.e. Rather than getting Duel III, which requires 3 skill points, you can get Flurry II, which takes 3 skill points total). You also only use up one active skill slot (more active skill slots to be added -soon- but they are still a limited amount.

Healing/Staying Alive: 9 skill points
Extra Recover: 3 skill points. Helps the Rouge class in tougher areas.
Body Development II: 3 skill points. More HP
Sprint III: 3 skill points. Help kite around to avoid blasts, enemies, run etc.

That's 21 points, leaving 3 points to fine tune with another skill or upgrade a skill.

By no means is this a comprehensive suggestion. There are far too many nuanced Rouge builds to give a one-and-done build suggestion.


Staff member
A Shady Traveler":b7nr6ke6 said:
I dont like spending in recovery ...i prefer Hirge as my companion.
That's a great example of player choice. It's worth noting that having Hirge as a companion gives a use to all those found mana potions. Recovery does restore your Companion's heath and mana so it's helpful before a boss fight or just a rest point in a longer dungeon.

A Shady Traveler

I like the idea of maxing stab, evasion and flurry to use these 3 combined. It would require 21 skill points (lv 11)
And then just spending 3 points each new skill. Until lv 20 id have 18 more skill points to spend in 6 skills

A Shady Traveler

VDX_360":36pwqa1k said:
A Shady Traveler":36pwqa1k said:
I like the idea of maxing stab, evasion and flurry.
That's an effective offensive build.

I figured out a possible combination when confronting boss
First i start engaging boss using Evasion, so Stab + Flurry until Evasion runs out (dealing great dmg)
So i Kick boss then use Smoke Bomb + Stealth to run away
After healing and recharging skills, i come back and repeat process
And to fight mobs, Assassinate skill

An archer build would benefit from using Explosive Trap to make enemy slower, then Rapid Fire until enemy approach, then Kicking + Smoke Bomb + Stealth


Staff member
Yep, that's the standard attack tactic for Rouges.

Sprint used to be a little more effective until the newer enemy health regeneration system requires a player to be closer to prevent the boss from recovering. Most enemies have to pause to attack giving an instant to walk out of range without using sprint.


Staff member
A Shady Traveler":1laxd9lu said:
I Kick boss then use Smoke Bomb + Stealth to run away
That's a great combo on boss or tough enemies to give space. For those that use Sneak Attack, it 's also a good set up for a serious tough Stab attack.
