Any info on this quest? Can't find anything. Ty in advance.
E Erathsmador Member Joined 19/04/2016 Messages 89 21/04/2016 #1 Any info on this quest? Can't find anything. Ty in advance.
feldon Loreseeker Joined 18/04/2016 Messages 1,352 21/04/2016 #2 Bottle came from the water...follow the water. Spoiler From New Garland Farms head east to The Imperial Coast. From there look for an enclosed Rock area. Enjoy, this quest had some good dialogue
Bottle came from the water...follow the water. Spoiler From New Garland Farms head east to The Imperial Coast. From there look for an enclosed Rock area. Enjoy, this quest had some good dialogue
M MrPanic Loreseeker Joined 05/04/2016 Messages 210 21/04/2016 #3 Did the screenshots yesterday. Maybe I can work on this map today, but no promise.
C Cassandra Member Joined 13/03/2016 Messages 26 21/04/2016 #4 Don't forget [to have a look inside the barrel at the small landing stage at the Imperial Coast ]
M MrPanic Loreseeker Joined 05/04/2016 Messages 210 21/04/2016 #5 Well, here we go, complete map. Spoiler