Make Stealth cooldown faster


New member
Stealth is already incredibly difficult to use effectively, and you lose xp and drops if you decide not to kill things, plus opening doors un-stealths you etc. etc. It looks from the forums that just about nobody uses it for these reasons.

However, it's a lot of fun running around stealthed and picking off lesser enemies one-by-one, so could we get the cooldown to be much shorter as its level increases? As it is, stealth play means repeatedly doing nothing for 20s, not much fun at all.

Grim Rapper

Well-known member
Abaleth":3809eymq said:
Stealth is already incredibly difficult to use effectively, and you lose xp and drops if you decide not to kill things, plus opening doors un-stealths you etc. etc. It looks from the forums that just about nobody uses it for these reasons.

However, it's a lot of fun running around stealthed and picking off lesser enemies one-by-one, so could we get the cooldown to be much shorter as its level increases? As it is, stealth play means repeatedly doing nothing for 20s, not much fun at all.

Stealth is pretty tricky to be use in battle (and when looting as well), but it has a pretty deadly synergy with the other Rogue skills when you have the required skills (Sneak Attack, Assassinate, Precision Strikes, Massive Criticals skills and with Vicious II weapon, and you can tear down any boss) necessary to use the Stealth potential

Also, idk the "about nobody uses it for these reasons" cuz most of the rogue skills are meant for backstabbing, so (if you're a Melee Rogue) using Stealth is pretty useful, since combining with Sneak Attack at low level gives a pretty good damage value

I'd agree about the Stealth cooldown though, since it's functions can also be used as a retreat strategy (leaving Companion behind sadly), and it's also the longest cooldown skill (even after leveled up at maximum, like Trap Master for some reason?)


Grim Rapper":3gr7nqe8 said:
Abaleth":3gr7nqe8 said:
Stealth is already incredibly difficult to use effectively, and you lose xp and drops if you decide not to kill things, plus opening doors un-stealths you etc. etc. It looks from the forums that just about nobody uses it for these reasons.

However, it's a lot of fun running around stealthed and picking off lesser enemies one-by-one, so could we get the cooldown to be much shorter as its level increases? As it is, stealth play means repeatedly doing nothing for 20s, not much fun at all.

Stealth is pretty tricky to be use in battle (and when looting as well), but it has a pretty deadly synergy with the other Rogue skills when you have the required skills (Sneak Attack, Assassinate, Precision Strikes, Massive Criticals skills and with Vicious II weapon, and you can tear down any boss) necessary to use the Stealth potential

Also, idk the "about nobody uses it for these reasons" cuz most of the rogue skills are meant for backstabbing, so (if you're a Melee Rogue) using Stealth is pretty useful, since combining with Sneak Attack at low level gives a pretty good damage value

I'd agree about the Stealth cooldown though, since it's functions can also be used as a retreat strategy (leaving Companion behind sadly), and it's also the longest cooldown skill (even after leveled up at maximum, like Trap Master for some reason?)

In most cases it is almost useless, sneak attack is a waste of points due to the 20 sec cooldown of stealth, it also makes it harder to choose smoke bomb for the same reason. To escape a situation we have the speed skill consumes fewer points.
You could easily dedicate a build to this skill if it had half of cooldown and would be more fun


Active member
My suggestion solution for stealth to be useful is maybe if an enemy noticed you, your next attack deals a bonus damage to the 1st enemy you hit. So this way you can inflict high damage and have a better advantage. In the other hand, you don't get bonus damage if stealth duration is up, only if you get caught.

Also I have a question, i know this is not relevant to this topic but i just can't find it so I'll ask kt here anyways. I saw a topic, before about Adoan disarming a trap. How do you make him disarm it? Or how do you know if he's actually trying to disarm it? Do you tell him, push him near the spikes, or he will just do his own thing?


Staff member
Adaon tries to disarm trap if he have 65% chance of success or more.


Active member
Thank you very much. Now I can go through deadly dungeons with traps with me bud Adaon.
