So the wiki says that this is an Uncommon drop, but it drops from Nastur and is also in the large chest in the Deep Cauldron, which I assume is a one time guaranteed drop due to the demon skull?
So my question then is, can you fight Nastur several times? I assume not but I don't actually know, or can you get it several times from the large chest in the Deep Cauldron? Or is there just some other place it drops or does the traveling armorer sell it sometimes?
It'd be nice to know if it's actually Uncommon or really Limited.
So my question then is, can you fight Nastur several times? I assume not but I don't actually know, or can you get it several times from the large chest in the Deep Cauldron? Or is there just some other place it drops or does the traveling armorer sell it sometimes?
It'd be nice to know if it's actually Uncommon or really Limited.