Mage feedback

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New member
I'm quite new to the game, but as I haven't seen any threads about the mage, I'll start one.

I got my mage up to level 9 and I am pretty underwhelmed. Compared to my previous character, a cleric I got up to 11, the mage is losing in both defense and damage. Why does lv 3 fireball have twice the Mana cost, almost twice the Cooldown, and roughly the same damage as sacred fire, while also being able to harm yourself?

Mana costs on the damage spells are way too high I feel, and most of the advanced skills are super boring. 3 passive resistances and 3 summons that behave the same way? Hopefully the ones in icemist are better.

Mage barrier is great tho, but a bit too strong on the damage.

Anyways I haven't gotten too far on the mage, would be glad to hear other folks experiences


New member
Virginia, USA (GMT-5)
I have not gotten very high on my mage as well, but my thoughts so far:

The mage is tougher starting off than the other classes, but I have been playing as a glass cannon kite mage. All spells, all mana, no mage armor skill. I am very thankful for the wide, open maps as it allows me to blast and run (kite) while allowing creatures to group up to be nuked. Hallways and doorways are also helping as the knockback keeps a single file group held back as one. Burn them and hit with lightning usually drops a room of creatures, so far anyway...


Staff member
The Mage class, more than any other class, really depends on having a good build with a good battle plan. Mages have already cleared the Ark on Hard so clearly it's doable. Just a matter of fine tuning a build or combat style that works.

Mage powerhouses seem to be kite builds (run around in a fight rather than standing and swapping blows). That puts Mages on the opposite side the spectrum from melee only warriors.

A Shady Traveler

To me it fits mage achetype in RPG.
While Warrior is a Tank, Mage is expected to be very weak to physical dmg. I remember, manly in the beginning, I died much more times playing as a mage than as a warrior. But in the other hnd, it's the class that can deal more dmg/single strike with devastating spells.
In MMORPGs, a classical strategy while playing in a team to defeat Bosses is to keep Warriors in the front working as tanks, while mages backwards shooting powefull spells.


Staff member
clockworksalmon":3hx2gmjy said:
I got my mage up to level 9 and I am pretty underwhelmed.
Per the class description at the new game creation, Mages are "Vulnerable, but eventually very powerful."


New member
Still, 5 out of the 6 advanced skills I've found so far are super boring, I'm only trying to get into the mages guild right now so I can check and out the rest, but I'm missing my cleric. Anyone that unlocked those already care to describe what they are?


New member
Happy new year!
I completed the hardest runs of the game so far (Ark and Icemist Sewers, solo in casual mode... I am addicted to save before any battle) with a mage. Dingding is now a lvl 24, a pure beast (some quests had to wait in mid-game, and died many times, but after a while you get quite a badass). I did lots of resets during the test updates though, so it was easier than if I'd have done in a regular update.
My main weapon is Lighting Bolt. Hit and run, repeat. I used fireball at the beggining but later on is not so useful. I don't like the knockback of wands (when hitting a ranged opponent is more than a pain, doesn't prevents them at all to reach you) and thus I use the staff, which I find quite powerful (despite the slow rate attack) and slowing enemies proved to be useful in many situations. So I have Staff mastery, which combined with Massive criticals is very powerful. Mage armor is excellent, and combined with Mage barrier, makes a life-savior in many occasions, and allows you to run through certain areas without even firing your weapon.
Mana surge is perfect (although at this level I have it just at level 2), and Disintegrate usually does great (but I have there just one point... second level is too expensive, and a waste of MP in some occasions, where the hit is much stronger than the enemy's life remains).
Also, I think the natural obligation of putting points into Intelligence make the Mage a 'somewhat-easier' class to level up (the difference in XP is barely noticeable at the beggining... a 2-4% +XP with a goblin is a waste of trait points, something I mistake so many times... but in quests with big XP rewards, and mid game monsters is really important to use Int+scrolls, so you don't have to spend half your day going to Bluerock Castle to farm and level. I enjoy that, though :twisted: for this same reason, I use to do almost every trip on solo). A way to recover Mana would be cool, too (like Cleric's Retribution). it was a bit sad to tap the recovery button with 0 Mana and full Health :geek:
Try to acquire a good weapon and play strategic. I hope this helps someone a bit. Have fun!


Staff member
Joange":1jyvjdhn said:
casual mode... I am addicted to save before any battle
The ability to save INSIDE a dungeon makes for a much easier way to roll the dice, so to speak, with any fight. On the opposite side of the spectrum, Ironman Mages have to be cautious (perma-death on Ironman, die once and have to start all over).


Mage is vulnerable to archer enemies that is why you need a good save and exit strategy and a companion to turn the tide of battle in your favor, but mage is a powerhouse for exploiting enemy resistances that is why you should use that as your ace to compensate for its squishy nature. Mage play style is like, "kill it faster before it can kill you". If you're having a hard time during the first few levels my advice is to grind gold and buy potions, at least the lesser health potion just in case your mage takes damage and don't let it be swarmed by enemies especially the fast running ones because you'll surely die. Second is don't attempt to go in Pit of Traitors(Mausoleum) if your mage is not durable enough to endure damage from Skeletal Archers, you'll have a hard time dealing with that kind of situation than the rest of the classes in game trust me.


Staff member
The newest updates (testing and soon to be released basic) have adjustments to the mage class so locking this thread to prevent confusion over the different versions of the mage class. If you start a new thread, put the version number in it for ease of understanding.

Good stuff in here.

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