Here's what I think is making it so difficult for me; pretty much the entire game, I've been making a build and gathering equipment for the most common enemies and bosses that are encountered, and saving materials for what I think will be needed... BUT the switch to shock-based pretty much EVERYTHING caught me way off-guard. I don't mind that it took a sci-fi turn at all; in fact, it reminds me of one of my favorite old-school RPGs, Wizardry 7: Crusaders of the Dark Savant. So yeah, I dig that aspect. But things like the sudden switch, having the companion strategies taken away (I feel sorry for archer builds that no longer have Gris or Hirge to tank and keep enemies occupied) and things like suddenly needing 40 large emeralds and 10 diamonds when they had no other purpose throughout the game means I have to go back to heavy-duty grinding again, which is what I had been doing pretty much for the mast couple of months waiting for V.1 to be released.
What could make it better, for new players at least? Utilize the Tavern Rumors to drop some hints, maybe. No need to create new dialogue for NPCs, really, just some new Tavern Rumors. Something about how legends tell of heavily armored beasts who attack with lightning; something about a legendary blacksmith who used to make incredible weapons with diamonds, and then maybe something like when you talk to the emerald guy in Jabal, if you pass an Int or Awareness check the game advises you that there must be a good reason he's paying so much and maybe you should hold onto them instead of selling. (Granted, if you pass a real life Int check you probably could put two and two together on that last one.)
Point is, I feel like there are some ways to steer the player in the right direction without dropping spoilers or making them run to the Wiki too much.
All that being said, I've played this game like crazy ever since I downloaded the demo version and no doubt will continue to play like crazy; it's a great game, David, and you should be rightfully proud of it.