

New member
I'm just trying to figure out the best way to prioritize which quests I do first. I know I should stay around the same areas for a while and not go too far at first (only level 4 rogue).

But I'm wondering how my quests in my journal are organized. My best guess is that it is from least difficult (top) to most difficult (bottom). I know they aren't alphabetical or by order received.

It would be extremely helpful if they were ordered by difficulty; can anyone confirm this or explain how they are organized?

Thank you!


I'm guessing it is based upon creation by the developer meaning you can see it from the oldest created quest to the latest quest from recent updates.


New member
Oh interesting ok thank you. It seems this game requires quite a bit of grinding am I right? I'm only playing on normal difficulty and as a level 4 rogue, I still can't get that goblin leaders head in the mine. I don't have much trouble getting right up to him at the end after clearing the mine, but then I need to leave and heal and then the mine resets and repopulates =p

Grissenda's quest is also way too difficult atm.

I completed the bug quest though. Of course the first escort quest that brought me there. And I've been to Knightsbridge but felt like I left the other areas too soon.

I swear I'm very experienced with RPGs in general, but this game still leaves me with a lot of questions and wondering if I'm doing things right. Don't get me wrong, I love how "old school" it is, but thank God for these forums!

Does anyone have any suggestions for where I should be leveling and/or what quests I should be concentrating on?

EDIT: just checked out that link you have me and perused the list that person made. Super helpful thank you!

Would still love any personal advice anyone can give if possible though. I'm sure experienced players have some good insights.


Idk I never grinded until right before the end of the main quest where I just grinded for some good items but not for levels really. And then after I had done all the quests.

Also you don't need to fight anything for the Grissenda quest, just run in and out.


Staff member
Dubnaught":11gcypba said:
Grissenda's quest is also way too difficult atm.
As mentioned by Andre27, you only need to know where the ring is. And run. I managed to do that with mage on L2 or 3, which is pretty weak for sustaining blows by enemies.

You can always check it with wiki. Or, it is in:

Nort-west room

Best tactic would be in many occasions to run and grab item, not fight your way through.


Most of the time i'm doing things the hard way because I know what to do about it, for example the quest for getting Grissenda; i'm doing it at level 1 depending on my character I'll pick the best skill to survive. If i'm using Warrior i'll choose Charge, Evasion for Rogue, Divine Intervention for Cleric, and Mage Armor for Mage then run fast as I can and when going back use the skill to make it out alive.

Putting that aside, what can I tell for a level 4 Rogue is to go to Kingsbridge, get all the quests there but don't expect to finish it outright or finish a dungeon in one run, just stick with your objective. After you finished the quest of Margarithe go to New Garand, get the quests there and finish "A Mysterious Letter". In the Unknown Dungeon your character is unequipped so the first thing you should do is to run in the first box you can see and get the boots(wear it immediately) then run to the Northwest room and again wear the equipments there and free Adaon, move your equipments to him, run away from enemies a little bit then use Stab. For specific things you want to know, visit the wiki so you can plan your own move.
