Ironman time


Don't die...

(I know, not helpful. But seriously, good luck. I finished game on casual and am just advancing to normal).


Well-known member
Typically in normal/hardmode/casual games rogues that are dps monsters are generally preferred over sneaks and defensive builds. But for ironman I would be inclined to go the sneak/backstab/smokebomb/evasion/shield wielding route. I would also make use of the skill sprint, and carry generic summon wolf scrolls not to mention teleport scrolls because all of those those will help you flee when you get in over your head.

Take the game slow, it will be maddeningly slow, but don't get impatient, you chose this route you have to be methodical about everything you do. You should make sure you are over-prepared everywhere you go. This will mean a great deal of slow game play and grinding easy areas... But such is the road of the ironman.

Obtainable Toast

Sounkeng":66dp7dq7 said:
Typically in normal/hardmode/casual games rogues that are dps monsters are generally preferred over sneaks and defensive builds. But for ironman I would be inclined to go the sneak/backstab/smokebomb/evasion/shield wielding route. I would also make use of the skill sprint, and carry generic summon wolf scrolls not to mention teleport scrolls because all of those those will help you flee when you get in over your head.

Take the game slow, it will be maddeningly slow, but don't get impatient, you chose this route you have to be methodical about everything you do. You should make sure you are over-prepared everywhere you go. This will mean a great deal of slow game play and grinding easy areas... But such is the road of the ironman.

Thank you, this gives me extra hope of surviving.

Obtainable Toast

VDX_360":1qr1ctjr said:
hueydvr38":1qr1ctjr said:
Don't die.
Best. Advice. Ever. Seriously, all other advice for ironman boils down to that concise detail.

I have died. 7 times, after the 3rd i just became wreckless cause it felt like routine, tomorrow I am trying again but with full focus. It feels weird to not have as strong early game as warrior.


Considering your strong "influence" of berserker fascination, dont get me wrong but it might not be a good idea to go ironman.

Especially considering you've chosen the most fragile class. Sure rogues are deadly and when evasion is working at statistically normal efficiency it is great but we are not talking about few encounters. You just need one under performance with assassination didn't tick a random agro and you are dead. I don't think rogue will be ready for the ark before 24-25 level +, rough estimation I'd say like 150 hours of play time. Quite a lot of time for your defensive capabilities to give up on you.

From my perspective to feel "I've completed this game" it must happen on highest difficulty level and I'm playing hard. Ironman is not an option for two reasons:

1. I'm playing on the phone. A bit of dust or misplaced hair on the screen and the chance will be pretty high its all over. Specially for rogues, who require timings and precision.

2. (at least on my device) game has tendency to be a bit laggy. Especially during a kill when you are about to gain a level. If the same is for others, like 1-2 seconds freeze one more advice - create pleasant environment when about to obtaining new level. If cought of guard this short moment of joy might turn into your funeral.

Obtainable Toast

Gwaihir":2xclb01o said:
Considering your strong "influence" of berserker fascination, dont get me wrong but it might not be a good idea to go ironman.

Especially considering you've chosen the most fragile class. Sure rogues are deadly and when evasion is working at statistically normal efficiency it is great but we are not talking about few encounters. You just need one under performance with assassination didn't tick a random agro and you are dead. I don't think rogue will be ready for the ark before 24-25 level +, rough estimation I'd say like 150 hours of play time. Quite a lot of time for your defensive capabilities to give up on you.

From my perspective to feel "I've completed this game" it must happen on highest difficulty level and I'm playing hard. Ironman is not an option for two reasons:

1. I'm playing on the phone. A bit of dust or misplaced hair on the screen and the chance will be pretty high its all over. Specially for rogues, who require timings and precision.

2. (at least on my device) game has tendency to be a bit laggy. Especially during a kill when you are about to gain a level. If the same is for others, like 1-2 seconds freeze one more advice - create pleasant environment when about to obtaining new level. If cought of guard this short moment of joy might turn into your funeral.

Thats true, I am more of a 2 handed warrior type of person but I wanted to challenge myself as I already finished ironman warrior. I am playing on an emulator so I do not face lag but sometimes there some glitches like keybind not working when I start new character so I have to restart the engine.
