Ivan the Immigrant
Now after playing this game for some time, I must say I am most impressed with Gobblins. They are the best creatures in this game. I don't know who did them, but whoever was, he did them brilliantly. Especially the way they are behaving when they charge in attack and the way they sound. Most certainly they are the best part of Exiled Kingdoms. Far more better than anything in game. So I am proposing new creature which would be very simmilar yet a bit different - Hobgobblin. They could be just little bigger (not too much) than Gobblins and slightly stronger ( not too much). And I would place them on map in 3 or 4 areas close to where Gobblins are. Let's say north of Lanegar Valley. I would make them whitish grey color, very simmilar to Gobblins and just sligtly bigger. I'll try to do some simple visualization and post it.
Hobgobblins should be bigger than Gobblins and smaller than Orc Grunt. And should be not confused with Orcs. They should be very simmilar to Gobblins. This picture I posted resemble more of Orcs. I'll try to visualize it better.
Maybe they should appear the same just little bigger and slightly stronger. Like this:
Hobgobblins should be bigger than Gobblins and smaller than Orc Grunt. And should be not confused with Orcs. They should be very simmilar to Gobblins. This picture I posted resemble more of Orcs. I'll try to visualize it better.
Maybe they should appear the same just little bigger and slightly stronger. Like this: