Introduce yourself thread


Allo fellow Muuds!

I'm Vincent, in Montreal (Quebec), 38, gay, my son is a cat, his best friends are squirrels, my first language is French, I'm atheist, humanist, I love humans, I love science, I listen to metal music, I'm an arts and litterature historian and work in contemporary arts. I've recently worked with artists who create art with AI, so that's cool. I'm also single now, so come chat with me. Be my virtual boyfriend loll

I'm a dungeons & dragons fanatic, we still play most weeks. I'm a Magic the Gathering fanatic too. My favorite video game ever is PLANESCAPE: TORMENT. Favorite books are Frank Herbert's DUNE cycle. I love smart stuff. Makes me feel smart loll
Ok hello everybody!

I am Patrick. I am a plumber and come from germany.

I love all kind of sport and i am sporty too(soccerfan 1.FC Schalke 04). But i played a lots of video games in my life and spent many time as child for it.
My favourite games are roleplaying.
As child i played pokemon. Later i played world of warcraft a few years. Now im married and have three childs and no time for playing games so EK is perfekt to play for me.

My favourite game is the elder scrolls 3 morrowind.

So thats me! ;)

Deleted member 30241

Well-known member
Noutamet, Noutamet Space Station
Since I just see this thread, I'm gonna do my introduction.
Leah,18 years old from Philippines and I don't know myself so much.(strange lol)
I've been a fan of rpg since 12 yrs old(weird too) my first game is Dungeon Siege and Dungeon Siege 2 and also my favorite. I also played Diablo 1 and 2. I don't play rpg that much but I'm addicted to it, also a fan of animated series Jojo Bizzare Adventure. I'm gonna try Baldur's Gate if I finished an Ironman run in this game.(this answers why my grammar is a bit confusing).
Mabuhay at Kumusta kayo(Hello how Are you doing today)?

Hi I am Ronald Albindo from 🇵🇭. And this games really changes my perspective on RPG gaming. I thought it was boring to play while travelling on certain areas, meeting people and hack and slash anyone whom blocks my way. (And im talking games here guys)😁. Upon playing this. I wanted to expore more Areas like Orc Kingdom, Sea of Serpents. Travel back in time to explore the Kingdom of Galade( i love to see a Huge playable Minotaur- let him give. A Great Axe or Maul.). And most importanly expore Andoria and the Kingdom of Myros.

Deleted member 30241

Well-known member
Noutamet, Noutamet Space Station
Mabuhay at Kumusta kayo(Hello how Are you doing today)?

Hi I am Ronald Albindo from 🇵🇭. And this games really changes my perspective on RPG gaming. I thought it was boring to play while travelling on certain areas, meeting people and hack and slash anyone whom blocks my way. (And im talking games here guys)😁. Upon playing this. I wanted to expore more Areas like Orc Kingdom, Sea of Serpents. Travel back in time to explore the Kingdom of Galade( i love to see a Huge playable Minotaur- let him give. A Great Axe or Maul.). And most importanly expore Andoria and the Kingdom of Myros.
I'm happy to see a fellow Pilipino here, by the way welcome to forum! I also like the Orc Kingdom to be released in next update.


Hey ya'll.
I'm Elijah. 42. Married with 5 kids and one more in the oven. Live in USA. Been playing EK for a couple years and only recently learned the benefit given by scrolls of wisdom and wisdom items. (Been a long time getting to lvl 25 warrior) currently stuck trying to beat Mt Orrog, undergrove, and haven't even tried the SoH. I fantasize about invading the orc kingdom and burning it down. I've grown up playing rpgs like secret secret of Mana, multiple legend of Zelda games, might and magic, the Bard's Tale ( commadore 64) and other smaller experiences. New to this type of community too. Thanks for all you've done, DavidBVal!


Barra do Garças - MT, Brazil.
It is so good to see how nice is the community of EK, and how nice is his creator!
My name is Angelo, 20 years, live in Barra do Garças - MT, Brazil. I play EK since September, 2018, when I first got a Smartphone (yeah, I was a Indestructible Nokia user before that). Already finished this game so much times, my second favorite game today! 1st one is HI3 for having a special place in my life in a way even DarkStone don't.

My life aroud games is too great, I have no regrets spending so much time on them.
The first game in my life was DarkStone, who played knows that it is a Masterpiece, and it brought me to the world of RPG. I already beated 100% of The Elder Scrolls V, and in 2016 I got 3rd place in world records on the puzzle game Zuma Deluxe. Those three games made my life, my happiness and are my treasures. I believe I played more than 200 different RPG games, including all the ones listed in this thread until today (12/10/2021), but most of them I didn't finished.

I am a student, graduating in Civil Engineering, crazy for maths and even more crazy for constructions kkkkkk, I have a good life :)
And today it is being even more fun, knowing you all! Thank youank David for bringing us together!!!


New member
New Zealand
Hi. I’m Jo. I started playing NWN and H&D 2 and then GW 1 with my kids on Windows 98. First single player was Sacred1. All such special memories. For years the love of my life was ArmageddonMUD but then I retreated back to be a free of commitment single player. Nowadays it’s roleplaying Skyrim and venturing into BG1 on my PC, and occasional visits to GW prophecies.
On iOS I enjoy Titan Quest (on an old hard drive is buried TQvault but …meh.) I’ve been looking for a single player, open world rpg on ios. I don’t really like squad management, at least not until I’ve played through on my own character and have got to know the game. Dont mind henchies that are as dumb as me. 9th Dawnlll is good but i died just before getting out of a dungeon I‘d spent ages navigating. Such a wimp!
In real life I’m semi-retired/ vineyard worker. Been in agriculture/ horticulture since I left home and cities. I still spend most of my days out in the weather. Apart from my family I don’t know anyone in my day to day life that plays PC games.
Anyway I am enjoying the peaceful start to this game, there are such horrors out there online. I’ve started with an archer, I thought about a cleric because personality opens doors, but maybe awareness does to. Sneaky archers are my go-to toon and cleric is not on demo, so the choice is made. I predict that this will be one of My Games. : )
Naturally I’m playing on Story mode.

Weeping Viking

New member
Мужчина распахнул дверь и подключился к трактирщику, миновав ряд столов, заглянув на тот момент, когда уже сидела в компании. На стойку со звонком упала горсть монет. Кивком головы путник набрал на бочонок эля, и хозяин таверны, не требуя лишних слов, наполнил кружки.
Подбитые металлом сапоги чеканили шаг по дощатому полу в направлении стола, где в этот момент велась бурная беседа.
"Всем добра!
Меня зовут Александр.
Позволите ли вы присоединиться к вам?
Я изготовитель снаряжения для восточных единоборств. В прошлом строитель и реставратор. С давних пор увлечён играми всех жанров, относящихся к ролевым играм. Долгое время был увлечён текстовой ролевой игрой и до сих пор не забросил этого дела. У меня растет сын, который, как ожидается, тоже присоединится к большому количеству ролевиков.
Помимо работы увлекаюсь мечевым боем и музыкой, уже двадцать лет учусь петь и играть на гитаре.", - сближается лысый здоровый человек, лицо которого превращается в узкой косой бороды.
Мужчина поднял кружку и громогласно воскликнул - "Скёль!!!".
