Ideas for futiure developement


Well-known member
This is exactly a type of game i like to play. There is perfect level of graphics = not too much and not too little, there are quests to do and monsters to kill and game mechanics have also perfect level of complication. Just as usual in this game types, theres no content :( buu . It is skeleton , you made game mechanics, lore and main quest and thats , like 80% of work allready, just need to fill it.
Seriously nobody wants just to save a world and game over.
I suggest changing ark to be just another milestone not end game, and after that you should be able to choose 1 of 4 kingdoms and get quest to become its ruler.And after that gate quest for world domination.
Like i.e after doing stuff you are king of Versalia then you need to convince mages to help prists to help , kick orc kingdom ass and confront Mercia in battle and you rule the world.
Or become king of mercia "Player name the Romantic" (because 1 of needed things is to establish brothels to get support of hand) then convince mages to stay out of this, make friends with orcs , Kick priests ass and confront Versalia in battle to rule the world.
Need to make Strong witches faction in elder forest , and orc kingdom for all of that.
If you would be interested i can elaborate.
And except of that rather big story line update , you can simply add small side quests , like 3 per city so they wouldnt be so desolate.
Then this game will have a chance to become a legend like fallout 2 or baldurs gate.


Wow, interesting! Good idea. But a lot of time to do and nearly recreating the game.


Staff member
If you check out News and Announcements section of the game, you'll see more content for the game is planned. But the main story line is finished, so future content will just flush out the game (and maybe complete the Lady of the Night story arc).

Keep in mind that Baulder's Gate was made by a full on studio, whereas Exiled Kingdoms is pretty much an one-person show. So, yeah, there might be difference in the size of a game produced by a studio than one produced by an independent person.

No game is stuck in development because the Developer doesn't have ideas for more content. None. Creating an user interface, developing game mechanics that are functional and enjoyable, general coding, graphic design, working around the limitations of mobile phones, fixing a non-stop stream of hiccups with modern technology, dealing with inane emails from players.... oh, the list goes on. Those are the areas of the game that require work.

Not, developing the lore of a game.

Lastly, Exiled Kingdoms was always designed to be an old school RPG. That includes ending. Sooner or later a game has to end. I know there's a lot of ever expanding games out there, but those modern games have massive studios, and suffer for their design choices. Mass appeal is never an appeal to quality.

Have an enjoyable weekend.


Staff member
Just as usual in this game types, theres no content :( buu . It is skeleton , you made game mechanics, lore and main quest and thats , like 80% of work allready, just need to fill it.

Well, it's not that simple.

Average player, if he really goes from start to end, it will took about 100-120 hours of gameplay (real time, not in game time). And that is just for first playthrough, not mentioning that you can play with 4 different classes.

I saw games that goes for much higher price and that brag about having 20 hours of gameplay.

And I guess that if you become very good at it (i.e. playing EK), you can finish it up in maybe 60-70 hours (just concentrating on main quests, not town hall quests).

Basically, I strongly disagree with you.


Well-known member
Meh , i saw ALL games , played all of them from the very begining. And lack of content is a major sin of this type of games, recently (like in last 15 years) very few interesting games showed up. I.E. Rebel galaxy- also made by just 1 guy and same problem ,awesome game that a guy put lot of effort to make, and then doasnt had a patience to spend maybe 1 -2 more months to just add some quests= things to do for player.
VDX360- I dont have in mind ever expanding i wish for end game content, fun stuff to do when you are high level and have good gear.
Also saving the world just for saving it is lame, you should rule it afterwards :D


Staff member
@Molokot How very Merican of you. May the Invisible Swamp Donkey lead you to your death.

One of the challenges facing future development of EK is that any such efforts takes away from efforts to get the next game underway.

I might point that if you think all games lack content, you might have unrealistic expectations from a game.

Have you thought about developing your own game?


Well-known member
Mod Note: Moved the off-topic post to it's own thread. The below post referenced that post, not this thread.

Welcome to the forum.
I'm not sure if this where you might wanna talk about this.
It's always fun to start again ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ


Staff member

I also wanted to suggest this:

Have you thought about developing your own game?

I know for the fact that David (developer) did just that, "saw all the games" and wanted to make his vision reality. Why not, maybe one day we all will come to your website and tell you that you really made a great game (or, maybe I should write here The Game instead, The Game that showed them all how games should be made).


Well-known member
Unfortunately i dont have coding skills required and dont have lot of money to pay people to make game for me :D
1.3 from 1.2 is nice upgrade and move into right direction. But what this game realy need is chapter 2 like it was in Gothic games. Chapters is simple and underused mechanics, that allows to reuse all places and npcs allready made, so with little work you can add hell load of new gameplay.
And dont misundertand me , i am not complaining, i think this game is allready quite good and its worth of bit more love ,because it has potential to become one of the best games ever made on par with old fallouts. In contrary to that other game in production with 3d movement and turn based combat , because IMO its not "best of both worlds" but exactly opposite, people like 2d movement and dynamic combat ( in exaple when i play games like kingoms of amalur with 10s of gb of graphics, when i move i am looking only on minimap and dont care about 3d graphics) , so i wish you luck with that , but have serious doubts if it will be a big success.
