Good warrior needs a way, to protect him/herself from mental effects. If you want to use 1h weapons, then learn shield expert, and infantry training skills. If you want to use 2h weapons, then learn fury, and battle rage skills. If you want to use light weapons, then prioritize spirit resistance when choosing armor, and learn spirit ward skill.
2 handed expert is necessary if you want to use these weapons.
Make a choice between flurry oriented setup(needs 6 points of agility, good for 1h), or strength oriented setup ( 0 or low agility, put as much trait points into strength as possible, good for 2h).
Make a choice between skills which provide extra damage. Do you want to specialize in:
- critical hits(precision strikes+massive criticals),
- stable and reliable damage increase (heavy handed+duel[good synergy with Flurry]),
- balance between all of those(training all those skills equally)
Body development skill is a must if you want to survive in close combat.
Choose how you want to handle multiple enemies. You can choose between:
- cleave(stable skill with no cooldown, and positioning is necessary only if you fight rangers),
- whirlwind (strong skill with some crowd control capabilities, but has cooldown, and requires positioning for good effect),
- Charge (strong skill with minor crowd control capabilities, requires careful aiming, and has cooldown, but allows to quickly approach rangers, and avoid traps).
Choose if you want to rely on your companion to use magical scrolls (Hirge is necessary), or do it yourself (you need magical training in this case).
After you decide on the matters I mentioned above, and you have free advanced skill slots, you can learn bloodlust, and ward skills (spirit, death, toxic, fire, frost, shock). Choose whatever suits you

Bash(good for crowd control), and resilence(good for tanking) skills are most effective, if you use shield, but are still useful, if you use 2h weapons.
Check Wiki for details: